Chapter Thirty-Two

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This chapter is dedicated to aBrokenAngel who made the beautiful cover above for me. Thank you so much for that and much more!

Also, I have a very important announcement to make so please guys, if you don't read my Author's Note then for this update, please do.

Now enjoy...

Third Person POV

The blow to Matthew's jaw shocks everyone. With gold eyes blazing as bright as the sun and muscles contracting in accordance with his feral temper, Max picks Matthew off the floor, his nose bloodied due to the earlier attack.

"It broke didn't it?" Matthew mocks, a ghastly smile intruding onto his lips as his face reddens and blood from his broken nose trickles onto his lips.

Max's firm grip remains on Matthew's shirt, propping him up while Matthew mocks Max with his eyes and smile, seemingly unaffected by the broken nose his brother just gave him.

Max growls, his wolf threatening to takeover in a mix of pain and anger at the broken mate bond. This makes every inch of his body to violently shake, soliciting gasps of concern and fear from everyone around them.

"At least now you know what it's like to lose a mate." Matthew laughs out, the mockery so hateful as his wicked laughter rings through the heavy air, tainting it.

With that, Max punches him again.

He forcefully lands on grass but this doesn't cease his merciless laughter as he brings his fingers to his nose to wipe off the blood.

"Max!" Hayden quickly rushes over to Max, intervening before he can land another blow against his brother's cheek. "What is going on?"

"Matthew broke my mate bond." Max says angrily, nearly shoving Hayden out of the way to get a hold of a chuckling Matthew who despite his pain, seems to be having the time of his life.

Max stops, his blazing gold eyes burning into Matthew's frame as the pain and emptiness from the broken bond washes over him fully. His wolf whimpers in pain from within him over the lose of a mate.

The mate-bond is completely non-existent.

"That's impossible Max!" Hayden protests, eyebrows furrowing in a lack of understanding "How?"

"Esmeralda, the Priestess is with Lena now. She fainted, her body was ice cold and her hair and eyes were both silver. Esmeralda touched Lena and saw everything that has been going on!" Max growls lowly, canines threatening to come out.

"Using her visions." Hayden nods, remembering Esmeralda who by a single touch can see your whole life flash before her eyes. All your memories, sins and misdeeds, Esmeralda can see it all. "That's why she followed you when you went after Lena after the shift. She told me she could feel something drawing her to your mate and she followed you two." Hayden proffers.

"She arrived the minute Lena fainted and she explained everything to me." Max lets another angry growl out, looking over at Matthew whose face is as smug as ever as he weakly sits up "Like how Lena is a seer and she has a necklace that is supposed to protect her. A necklace my brother stole so the mate bond can break all because he's hung up on his foolish revenge for a mate he murdered with his very own hands!"

The air stills at the accusation and Max stalks towards Matthew once more, holding a hand up to Hayden when he tries to stop him.

"How does it feel brother?" Matthew derides, the smile plastered across his face never faltering even once "She'll wake up soon but the fact is that bond is broken. Her wolf is dead, it will never feel the same ever again. From now on, it will always be different with you two."

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