Chapter Twenty-One

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This Chapter is dedicated to shadowsouled for supporting my work through her votes.. Thank you so much..


The nightmares haunted her like daggers piercing through skin. Her screams like a banshee destroying the delicate peace.

Her hands gripped hold onto the comforter, pulling it up to her chin and hoping it would veil her from the memories of him.

It did no good.

Every time she closed her eyes, his blue eyes etched into her being. It left scars that had not only branded her body but were also tattooed into her very soul.

Blue used to be her favorite colour but now, it was a constant reminder of her violation and inhumane destruction.

She threw the comforter off of her, once again giving up on sleep. She hadn't had decent sleep in weeks.

Dragging herself off the bed, she sauntered off to switch on the lights, catching a glimpse of her silhouette dancing against the wall.

Even her silhouette looked broken, cracked at the edges as the top and bottom stretched to the right and then faded into nothingness.

Olivia's slim hand reached for the switch, flicking it downwards and illuminating the room, her green eyes squinting to adjust to the bright divergent beams.

Her form appeared before her in the mirror, once again reminding her that she wasn't a corpse. She was still alive even if most of her felt dead.

The bruises all over her pale satin white skin were still distinct, causing her to shudder at the memory of how she got them. She pushed her flowing red hair forward over her shoulders to the front in an attempt to mask the bruises against her pale skin in the mirror.

This did little to help.

Olivia trudges backwards, suddenly irritated by her very own appearance in the mirror.

She needed sleep. She could feel the heavy eye bags beneath her eyes and if not for her fear to look back in the mirror, she would have searched for the dark circles.

She felt like no one could stand being around her and the few people that could, she simply didn't want them next to her.

In the course of two days, she had been visited by both her cousins; Max and Matthew, her mother, her aunt and her sister Rionna.

Seeing Rionna again, brought more nervousness to her heart than anything else. She couldn't decide if she was happy or not to have her twin next to her although Rionna was more than thrilled, even hugging and holding Olivia against her will.

Her mother and aunt's visit was rocky. She could smell their pity and this alone, made Olivia's skin wrinkle. She pitied herself enough, the last thing she needed was pity from the people that were supposed to provide her strength. She didn't like the way her mother looked at her with guilt in her eyes, although it was well deserved.

"That's what you get when you only love one daughter and neglect the other." Olivia had muttered under her breath next to her mother, not wanting her to hear but she did. This caused Olivia's mother to flee out of the room, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Olivia's aunt on the other hand, Max's mother Camila stared at her like a fragile little glass doll that would break any minute. This caused irritation to well up in Olivia, causing her to ask Camila to leave after a few minutes.

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