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" I'm scared that once I let you go, you'll disappear. "



"Aish, can the two of you stop playing around and help me cook dinner?" I said as I watched the fourth water fight break out between the two maknaes.

"Aigo, Jisoo noona, having trouble with those two?" A voice said behind me, I turned around to see BamBam smiling widely. How did this kid get in?

"How did you get in?"

"Window! Because knocking the door is too mainstream." I mentally face-palmed when I heard BamBam's answer. I went back to cutting the vegetables when I overheard Lisa, Rose and BamBam's conversation.

"Yah, my Thai friend, what's up?" Lisa shouted excitedly.

"The ceiling dumbass." BamBam replied nonchalantly and Rose laughed.

"Why did you come?" Rose asked BamBam, I assume.

"Yugyeom said he's bringing a surprise visitor, and told me ask if you guys would like to come over for awhile." BamBam answered, I stopped what I was doing and joined their conversation.

"Could it be Jennie?" I asked, the three 97 liners turned to me.

"Ani, mianhae noona. Yugyeom said it was a guy." With those words, my hopes of seeing Jennie was crushed down once again. "Go get changed, I don't want to be late."

I washed my hands and went upstairs.

Just who is this, 'surprise' guest?


Third Person

Jisoo, Rose, Lisa and BamBam reached Yugyeom and BamBam's shared house within twenty minutes. BamBam unlocked the door and went inside, followed by the three girls, they were greeted by Yugyeom, who was sitting on the couch.

"Hello, Lisa, Rose and Jisoo noona." Yugyeom stood up and greeted them, then he sat down again.

"Yah, whose this person you were talking about?" BamBam asked as he sat down next to Lisa.


The five kept quiet, until footsteps were heard coming towards the living room, where all of them were. Yugyeom smiled at someone behind Lisa, causing the other four to look back in curiosity.

Lisa's eyes widened as she put her hands over her mouth. Rose smiled at the figure, trying hard to contain her tears. Jisoo had the same reaction as Lisa, while BamBam just smirked.

"Long time no see. How's everyone?" The figure smiled at all of them.

"So you finally decided to come back, Jennie noona." BamBam said as he stood up and hugged Jennie. The two smiled at one another after breaking apart from the hug.

The three other girls stood up and engulfed Jennie into a group hug, mumbling a bunch of 'I miss you' s and 'Why did you leave?' s. They sat down and started talking, and was interrupted by a gunshot.

"Kim Yugyeom! Come out now." Someone shouted outside, Yugyeom frowned before turning to the girls and BamBam.

"You four girls hide. BamBam, come with me." With that, the two males went to the front door while the four girls went upstairs.

The girls hid behind the stairs and looked at what was going on downstairs. They spotted three figures, entering through the front door, each holding a gun.

The three figures were in a conversation with Yugyeom and BamBam, until...


a/n: i love cliffhangers :>

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