Chapter 1

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I groaned as I fiddled with the button on my alarm clock. I sighed and sat up before sniffing and realised I had another cold.

"Fantastic." I moan as I get out of bed and dizziness takes over me.

I sit on the bed with my head down as that helps as my mom walks in.

I lift my head up and she rushes to me.

"Lilia, are you okay? you don't look well, you have a temperature, get back in bed, I'm gonna ring the doctor." My mom panics as I sigh and get back in bed.

You see my mom is the type of person to panic over a sneeze.

I start coughing badly, like really badly before mom comes back up and gets me some clothes.

"Doctors in 5mins." She says as I nod and yawn before pulling the clothes on over my aching body.

I pull my boots on before walking down the stairs and getting in my moms car.

I brush my hair and tie it in a high ponytail on the way to the doctors before getting out of the car and walking in with my mom.

We take a seat and wait for the doctors to see to us.

I look around and realise I'm not half as bad as these other people.

I start having another coughing fit again and groan as my body lurches forward in an attempt to stop the dizziness from starting again.


A few minutes later I hear a male voice call for me.

"Lilia Gray."

I stand up and walk over to the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Sykes your new doctor, as you old doctor left. Follow me please." He says as I suddenly feel a lot better even though I'm not.

You should see this doctor he is mighty fiiiinee. He's HOT, like really HOT.

We walk to his room and he gestures for me to take a seat and smiles at me. His smile, people would describe his smile as, a death smile because he just killed me.

He's like fucking gorgeous, if you don't mind me saying and I just can't stop staring at his beautiful face.

Then I say the god damn worst thing ever.

"Dr. Sykes, did you have a nice fall?"

Shit, why the fuck did I say that?

"Excuse me?" He says.

Then the other part rolls off my tongue like a ball.

"Because it must of hurt when you fell out of heaven."

What the fuck am I doing?

He just laughs at me, or with me?

"Um... I, uh... Sorry." I stutter as he leans forward and whispers in my ear.

"No it didn't hurt me, but did it hurt you?" He whispers as I just sit there with my mouth wide open, speechless.


We walk out and he tells my mom I have the flu.

As my mom speaks to the re receptionist Dr. Sykes winks at me.

"Come back soon for your next treatment." I just stand there before holding onto the desk for support as my legs have just gone before going back to the car with my mom.

Dr. Sykes - A Nathan Sykes FanFiction (Dirty) {2014 Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now