Chapter 32

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I wake up the next morning to find Nathan still sleeping.

I climb out of bed and get ready for another long day at school.

Pretty soon I'm walking to school as Nathan wasn't up and its his car so I walk myself to school.

Guess who I see on the way to school.

That's right, Max. Tom, Jay and Siva with some other lad that I didn't meet.

"Mrs. Sykes. This is Connor, he was ill yesterday and he's very immature, just like us." Jay says as I sigh.

"Okay, that's cool, you should be walking to school... Not with me." I say as I try to get them to go away.

"Oh, okay, cool beans, we'll just walk behind you and annoy you." That's when I put my headphones in and ignore them.

I get to the school and sign in before going and putting my bag and stuff in my room. I then start feeling a bit sick and look down at my stomach. I've eaten this morning, then it clicks in my head that Nathan and I didn't use protection the last couple of times we did it so there might be a chance that I'm pregnant. Again.

I'll have to go and check with Nathan at the doctors surgery later. Okay now.

I run to reception.

"Do you have a stand in for me?" I ask as she nods.

"Yes, Mrs. James will take over for you." I thank her before signing out and running to the doctors surgery.


"Hi Jane, is Dr. Sykes in yet?" She nods and sends me to his room.

I knock before running in and see that he's looking through his notes.

He looks up and looks shocked to see me here.

"I thought you were at work." He says as I shake my head.

"I asked for a stand in. Nathan I need you to do a pregnancy test on me. Now because doctors is more reliable than a plastic fucking tube someone once told me." I say as he smiles at me.

I do a pee sample and everything and he runs tests on them before coming back with the results.

"Lils, we're having another baby." Nathan says as I squeal and hug him.

He hugs me back while laughing and kisses me as I kiss him back.

"I can't believe we're having another baby!" Nathan exclaims as I agree.

"I know." I say as he hugs me again and kisses me again as I kiss him back.

He picks me up and spins me before placing me back down on the ground.

"You really need to go by the way." Nathan says as I nod.

"I know but I don't want to go." I whine as he kisses me.

"But you have to go." He says.

"I don't want you to either but you have to. Now." He says as I nod and kiss him quickly.

I return to the school and sign in. I go to the staff room and say hi to everyone in there.

I sit with one of the other teachers Mrs. Gregs and she's actually a good friend of mine now.

"Can I trust you with a secret Julia?" I ask as she nods.

"Yes, of course Lilia. you can tell me anything." She says as I nod.

"Well, I just got back from the doctors and as my husband is a doctor we did a few tests and I'm having another baby." I tell her excitedly.

"Oh wow. Congratulations to you both. Wow." She says as I nod.

"I know right?" I say as she nods.


<4 months later>

I'm waiting for my first class to come and its the year 11 boys. Again.

They walk in and Max instantly notices my bump.

"Miss, are you having a baby?" He exclaims in front of the class.

"No, I've been eating too much cake." I say sarcastically making the boys laugh.

"Of course I'm having a baby." I reply as they congratulate me before the phone rings.

"Hello, Mrs. Sykes here." I say.

/Mrs. Sykes, you have a visitor./ The receptionist says.

"Send them up." I say before the receptionist hangs up.

A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and I open it to find Nathan stood there.

"The receptionist sent me up." He says as I nod and let him in.

"Congratulations." All the boys say together as Nathan smiles and thanks them before I start teaching again.

The bell goes for next lesson and I talk to Nathan while waiting for my next class.

"So why you here?" I ask him while eating some grapes.

"I came to check on you. Plus, my works over I get to leave early. Whoo." He says as I laugh a little.

"Are you staying for this next class?" I ask as he shrugs.

"Do you want me to?" I nod as the smiles.

"Then I will."


Last lesson finishes and Nathan takes me home and once again I have marking to do.

I finish marking and just relax with Nathan before Serephina runs into the room.

"Mommy, can I have some ice cream?" She asks as I nod and take her to buy some ice cream.

she walks back in with me while licking and ice lolly as she changed her mind before watching TV with us.

Dr. Sykes - A Nathan Sykes FanFiction (Dirty) {2014 Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now