Chapter 29

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Lilias pov.

I wake up in hospital attached to a drip and one of those heart rate machines. I see my mom, Gary, Karen, Jess, Phil and Serephina here, but no Nathan.

Jess gets a nurse and my oxygen mask gets changed to a cannula helping me breathe so I can talk at the same time.

"Where's Nathan." Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

"He's been arrested from suspicion of physically abusing you when we all know it was Thomas. The officers didn't believe what he was saying." Karen says as the tears start to form.

I close my eyes before opening them again.

"I need to see him." I say as mom shakes her head.

"You'll only get to see him in court. Until then you need to stay here until you recover a little more." My mom replies.

"No! I have to see him." I say as mom hugs me and I cry on her shoulder.

"We have court on Monday. you'll see him then." My mom says.

"We're all defending him, right?" I say as they nod their heads.

"We all know what happened Lilia. We all are defending him." Gary says.

"Phina can't go in." I say as Jess nods.

"Neither can I because I don't want to. I'll be looking after Serephina in the play room as well as defending Nathan. I'll be watching through a screen and defending from up there even though nobody could hear me." She says as I smile lightly at her.

"I'd do anything for my big sister." Jess says as I hug her and she hugs me back.

"Thank you. All of you."



I'm ready for the court, but I'm super nervous even though I shouldn't be.

I meet everyone at the court place before we wait a little before bring lead into the room.

My eyes meet Nathan's and I can see that he's not happy.

I'm the first person to go into the stand as I'm the victim.

"Would you say your husband, Mr. Sykes is innocent?" The official asks.

"Yes because he is innocent." I reply.

"Can you tell us exactly what happened on the day of the incident?" He asks.

"Yes. Thomas Doug was in our house after me because I owe him some money from when we were dating. I told him that I would pay him next weekend but he said it wasn't good enough before getting his friend Freddie loveless to get Nathan, so he did and Serephina ran and hid in her room. Freddie held Nathan and made him watch Thomas beat me. Nathan had nothing do it. Yes he hit Freddie and Thomas but that was to defend me because he cares about me and loves me too much to ever lose me. I love him and care about him too much to lose him. Nathan's innocent I swear down on my life that he's innocent." I explain as the official nods and sends me to sit down before asking more questions.

Pretty soon the judge asks the jury what they think. Innocent or guilty. The jury come to a decision and I sit nervously before I start shaking.

"We think Mr. Sykes is innocent." One of the guys say as I stop being nervous and the court ends.

Nathan runs to me afterwards and hugs me as I hug him back while letting my tears fall onto his shoulder.

"I missed you." Nathan says as I tangle my fingers in his hair.

"I missed you too. I love you so much." I say as Nathan kisses me before taking my hand and we leave the court house and go home.

Dr. Sykes - A Nathan Sykes FanFiction (Dirty) {2014 Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now