Chapter 20

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"Why did you buy loads of chocolate? We have some at home." Nathan asks me as I smile at him.

"I'm craving chocolate, okay? Anyway, I will share it with you." I say and give him half of the chocolate I was opening.

"I don't want any yet. Maybe later." I shrug.

"Your funeral..." I trail off.

"In about 40-50 years." He finishes.

"You think you're living another 50 years Mr. Sykes, think again. You're already grey." I say jokingly which in return gets the evils.

"You wanna think yourself lucky that you're not already dead as your cheekiness could've gotten you killed by now." He replies as I laugh.

"Yeah but your plans always backfire on you. Think before you do." I say as he glares daggers at me.

"Stop back chatting." He says.

"Stop giving me the evils and maybe I will." I reply as he rolls his eyes and looks away from me.

We're sat in Morrison's Cafe and having this discussion about chocolate which turned into what just happened then.

I've ordered myself a coke as Nathans ordered himself a tea.

I look out of the window and sigh at the awkward silence between me and Nathan. The girls left ages ago leaving just me and Nathan.

We've had the silent moments but they were welcoming instead of awkward and now it is just plain awkward.

"Lils, I'm sorry." Nathan randomly says.

I laugh a little.

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for. We didn't argue. I should be saying sorry. I basically called you old by saying that you're grey which your not. Your hair is perfectly brown and its gonna be that way for at least 25 more years." I say as he smiles at me and plays with a piece of my hair.

"I love you. you're perfect, smart, funny, cute, everything I've ever wanted in a girl. Beautiful, just perfect." He says to me as I blush and look at my hands.

"I love you too." Is all I say as I don't know what to say about Nathan as everything about him is perfection. I couldn't ask for a better guy to be my fiance and the father to my baby.

"Don't you have anything to say about me?" He pouts as I giggle.

"Everything about you is perfection. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my fiance or the father to my baby. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you as you are my one and only forever and nobody can change that. You know that I love you more than words can say and I don't knew how to describe it but I want you to know that if anything happens between us I will never forgive myself even if it was your fault or someone interfering with our relationship. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to our relationship because right now, everything is perfect." Is all I say as he stares at me absolutely speechless.

"I know we have our moments but we always manage to stay together and pull through the worst times." I add on.

"I... I didn't realise you..." He trails off.

"Felt this way?" I question as he nods.

"I know you didn't realise that I felt this way. Nobody ever does realise when I feel so strongly for them. I'm too good at hiding my emotions. Sometimes. Only some emotions anyway." Is all I say as he nods and holds my hands over the table.

"Are Ruby, Cathia and Jai your only friends?" Nathan asks me as I nod.

"Yeah pretty much. Since year 7 actually. Like my mom said. I'm awkward around new people and those three knew how I felt because they were awkward too. Plus I didn't socialise much so I didn't bother making any new friends. I didn't want new friends. I was perfectly fine with my girls ya know. They helped me through everything really. They were there through thick and thin. My mom remarried but he was a total douche. I was in year 7 then. It was January and us four girls were besties and when I told them about this total douche my mom married they helped me get over the fact that he was a prick. He beat my mom in front of me before locking me in my room. Every night they either fucked or he raped her. They helped me through that because he wouldn't let me out unless I was going to school, dance or the doctors. I started self harm, hoping it would help. Mom and her partner found out, the whole school found out and pretty soon it was on TV and in the news papers because it got so bad. I made a cut so deep I was in hospital. I have the scar still. I could've killed myself and it was all because of him but the reason I'm still living is because of the girls." I explain.

"I've never seen the scar." Nathan says.

"Andd you're never gonna see it." I reply as he sighs.

"Wait... I remember the news. I remember seeing your name in the papers and hearing it on TV. Show me the scar. Please." He says as I sigh and role up my sleeve and show him the scar on my shoulder and the scars on my arms that are fading. slowly.

"I'll show you the worst one later." I whisper as he nods and holds my hands again.

"You've stopped now though, right?" He asks a little worried as I nod and kiss his hands.

"I promise I've stopped." I say as he nods and let's me carry on kissing his hands.

I stop kissing his hands and we stand up to pay and go home. Nathan entwines our fingers together before walking us home.

I swing our hands as he smiles at me and stops us from walking so he can kiss me before we start walking home again.

I swing our hands again before offering Nathan some chocolate. He gratefully takes some as we stop at traffic lights and wait to cross.

We cross the road discussing baby names. Even though we don't know the gender yet, we still discuss baby names and stuff like that.

Personally I want a little boy because I want a mommy's boy, but I think Nathan wants a little girl as he wants a daddy's girl. Daddy's little princess. I won't mind what gender the baby is because either way its gonna be cute and we'll both love it to pieces.


We arrive home and sit on the sofa together cuddling while watching a film.

"We need to start decorating the baby's room soon." I say as Nathan looks at me and agrees.

"I know but we need to know the gender as well." He says as I shake my head.

"We'll just do the bedroom cream and set the crib up in our bedroom. When the baby's born we can redecorate the bedroom with either pink or blue depending on the gender of the baby." I say.

"What if its a girl and she decides she likes the colour blue when she's like 2?" He asks.

"Then we'll paint the bedroom both colours. Pink and blue. Nathan its a box bedroom. 2 walls pink, 2 walls blue. Not blooming rocket science." I say as he laughs.

"Okay, okay. Pink and blue but first it has to be cream, right?" I nod.

"Yes because if its a boy you won't want a pink and a blue bedroom you'd want maybe a blue bedroom for a little boy not pink." I say as he laughs again finding this whole thing funny.

I just face palm and push him off the sofa.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww." He moans as its now my turn to laugh.

He pulls me on top of him so I kiss him and pull him up onto his feet after I got up.

I wrap my arms round his neck as he wraps his round my waist.

"I love you Miss. Gray." Nathan says as I kiss him.

"I love you too, Mr. Sykes." I reply as he presses his lips onto mine.

Dr. Sykes - A Nathan Sykes FanFiction (Dirty) {2014 Watty Awards}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat