Chapter 52:

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~Two weeks later~
~228 days until Jen's 21st birthday~

I was late.

Draco had to go into work early this morning which means that my usual human alarm clock wasn't there to wake me up in the morning. Draco had this internal clock that would always wake him up around six in the morning so we never needed an alarm. But he had left early and I had woken up an hour late. My boss Liz was going to kill me.

I jumped into a pair of pants and threw on the first blouse that I saw in my closet. I ran into the bathroom, buttoning my shirt on the way. I threw my hair in a ponytail and started brushing my teeth. I didn't bother with makeup, just made sure I had washed off all of yesterday's makeup. As I spit in the sink I saw in the corner of my eye a figure lurking in the doorway of the bathroom. I whipped my head around and pulled out my wand, but no one was there. I brushed it off as me just seeing things, before grabbing my bag. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed an apple before apparating to the Ministry.

Once there I pushed threw a bunch of people to get to the elevator. I jumped into the elevator just as it was about to close. I took a deep breath and blew a stray hair out of my eye. Looking at my watch I saw it was 8:45, which means I'd only be 45 minutes late.


I turned around and saw Harry and Ron were in the elevator with me.

I smiled. "Oh, hey guys! You guys late too?"

Ron scoffed. "Harry is never late. Being the chosen one has its perks. One of them being Harry doesn't have a concrete time he has to be in the office so essentially he can show up anytime he wants and never get in trouble. Me on the other had am very late. I just hope being with Harry with lessen the blow."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I get in trouble all the time! I don't know what you're talking about."

"Rubbish! Just last week you showed up to work four hours late. Four hours. And what did Andy do? Right, nothing. Actually if I remember correctly he asked if you wanted to get lunch with him."

I laughed as they continued to bicker.

"Well not everyone can be the chosen one." I grinned.

"I'm sure you never get in trouble either." Ron pointed out. "Being Dumbledore's granddaughter and all."

"Ha! I wish. My boss is extremely strict. She wouldn't even care if you were the bloody Queen of England! She'd still chew your ass out" The elevator stops. "Well, this is me, boys. See you around."

"Hey, Jen. Is it okay if I stop by your house later today? I need to talk to you and Draco about something." Harry asked as I stepped off the elevator.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Great. See you tonight" Harry waved as the elevator took off.


Once I made it into the office I saw everyone was in the conference room, probably being briefed on a new assignment. As soon as I opened the door the eyes of everyone in the conference room were on me.

"Well, well. Look who decided to grace us with her presence." Liz glared at me.

I opened my mouth to explain but she just lifted her hand.

"Just sit down, you've wasted enough of everyone's time." Liz said, pointing to the only empty seat next to the office screw up, Mark Thomas.

I sat down and shut my mouth. Liz pointed at the board that held a map and pictures of former deatheaters that disappeared after the war.

Dark SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora