Chapter 63:

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***Jen's POV***

I woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around outside my room. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and thought about my dream. Well, at least I thought it was a dream, I don't know what else to call it. Honestly, I hope it was a dream, because just thinking about Draco trying to commit suicide to help me, made me nauseous. At least, if it wasn't a dream and we were some how able to communicate through our thoughts during sleep, I stopped him before he could hurt himself. Ugh, if only I was there with him now. I just hope he's with someone who will make sure he doesn't jump off the deep end.

***Draco's POV***

I woke up to the afternoon light filtering through the window by my bed, I went to sit up but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

"You're got to be kidding me." I muttered, looking around the room for my wand.

"Potter!" I yelled, pounding on the barrier. "Potter, let me go or I swear I'll—"

The door opened, cutting off my threat.

"Would you shut it? We just put Teddy down for a nap and we don't need you to bloody wake him up. Again."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, you should have thought of that before you decided to trap me in your guest room!"

"I had to! You were going to kill yourself. I wasn't about ready to let you do that."

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore. I've decided to find another way to save her."

Harry gave me a 'you think I'm going to believe that shit' look. "How do I know you're not messing with me?"

"You don't."

"What changed your mind?"

"Jen did. I don't want to hurt her more than she's all ready hurting."

Harry hesitated. "Well...good. But it's going to take more than your word to convince me."

I rolled my eyes. "So what? You're going to keep me locked up until I die?!"

"Possibly. That's what you get for being an tosser."

"Potter, if you don't let me out I'll—"

"You'll what? Pout? Yell? Bang on the barrier? Well, go right ahead. You're not getting out of here until I can guarantee that you aren't a danger to yourself."

"I'm a grown man for God's sake! You can't keep me here! This is kidnapping!"

"Kidnapping is a strong word. I'd like to think of this more as babysitting."

"You bastard! This is ridiculous and against the law! Once I get out of this, and I will, I'm going to make sure Andy fires your ass—"

"Daddy" The door opened and Teddy walked in, his hair glowing a soft blue. "Why is the loud man yelling? And what's a bastard?"

All the color drained from Harry's face and I couldn't help but to burst out laughing.

"No, no. Loud man didn't say that. He said...Dast Ard. Which is his name."

"Dast Ard?" Teddy looked at me. "But mommy said Malfoy was his name."

"Right. His full name is Dast Ard Malfoy."

Teddy looked like he wanted to say more but Harry ushered him out of the room. Once the door closed Harry turned to glare at me.

"What the bloody hell's wrong with you?" Harry hissed. "If Ginny heard him cussing at four years old, I'd have hell to pay."

"Well, if you don't let me go, I'll make sure the kid knows every bloody cuss word in the damn alphabet."

"Or I could just sound proof this room." Harry grinned.

Harry waved his wand then said. "We'll talk when you stop being crazy."

"Potter! You bloody asshole! Let me go! I'm not—" The door shut before I could finish my sentence. "Damn it."

***Reyna's POV***

It had been over two weeks since I'd seen Jen and Blaise hadn't seen Draco either. I was starting to worry, I knew about the curse and I also knew what lengths Jen would go to save Draco. She would do anything for him, which was what worried me the most.

I decided to visit them to see what's up. After several minutes of knocking I grew impatient and opened the door. The house was in ruins, looking as though there'd been a fight. I called Jen's and Draco's names but got no response. Their room was empty and upon further inspection I noticed Jen's clothes weren't in the closet. She had left.

"Rey? Reyna?!" A voice called from downstairs.

I had left a note for Blaise, telling him what I was up to so he could help me.

"Up here!" I called to Blaise.

Blaise walked up and joined me in the bedroom.

"What do you think happened?" I asked, looking around the chaotic room.

"I know what happened" Blaise said and I looked at him curiously. "Harry came and talked to me today and explained everything..."

***Draco's POV***

The door of my prison was slammed open and a very pissed off Reyna stood in the threshold.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Reyna yelled, breaking the barrier and lifting me by my collar and slamming me into the wall.

The breath got knocked out of me and I looked at Reyna in astonishment. I knew she didn't preferably like me but seriously? And holy shit, I forgot how freakishly strong Hit Witches/Wizards were, especially when they're pissed off.

"What?! What the bloody hell did I do?!" I asked, struggling against her iron grip.

"How could you let Jen do that?! How could you let her condemn herself to a life filled with terror?! You're a coward, Malfoy! A bloody ferret! I knew Jen was too good for you!" Reyna slammed me back into the wall.

That hurt, not just the head slam but her words. I have always been self conscious with my relationship with Jen, everyone thought I wasn't good enough for her, except Jen. It's true that she didn't deserve the stuff that she had to go through to be with me, but I love her. I would do anything for her. And I was sick of others thinking otherwise.

"Let? Let?!" I pushed her away from me. "You think I'd do that to her?! I didn't have a choice! She made this deal without telling me! I would have never agreed to it if I thought I had a choice!" I took a deep breath and said more calmly. "That's why I'm trying to do everything I can to help her."

Reyna looked taken aback but she put back on her fierce face and pushed my shoulder. "By what? Killing yourself? That would just hurt Jen more."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

"We put our heads together and come up with a plan to help her."

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