Chapter 11:

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After dinner I parted ways with my friends, telling them I had detention. They nodded and followed the rest of the Ravenclaw towards their common room. I started walking towards McGonagall's, occasionally having to bug off peeves. After I made it to McGonagall's classroom I saw her sitting in her desk writing something. When I walked in she looked up at me.

"Miss Taylor, you will be cleaning out all the animal cages and cleaning off all the desks without magic. I've got to go talk to Professor Dumbledore and when you're done you may just leave. And don't think you can luck out and use your wand because I can tell if a job is done by hand or by wand."

With that McGonagall stood up and walked out of the room, leaving me alone. Well she certainly liked to get to point. I sighed and got to work, thinking that it was going to be a long night.


It took almost two hours before I was finally done. My hands were cramped and I probably smelled like animal piss. I was definitely going to take a shower when I got back to the dorm, no matter what time it was. I was walking swiftly back to my common room but stopped short when I heard familiar voices arguing in the corridor I was about to turn into. I peeked around the corner and my eyes widened when I saw it was Snape and Draco. I quickly looked away and just listened.

"Leave me alone. I know you made an unbreakable vow to my mother to keep me safe but that doesn't mean you have to know my every move." Draco growled.

"You're becoming careless and this mission is not one where you have the choice to be careless that is, without consequences."

"I am not being careless." Draco argued.

"You are and it's because you're distracted."

"I'm not distracted by anything."

"You deny it and yet you know it's true. You're distracted by that girl that's always with you."

As Snape said that my thoughts turned to what Harry had said to me after I had told him what my name was when I caught him following Draco-The girl that's always with Malfoy? Was Snape talking about me?

"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco said.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. I also know that she has been following you and you've even been provoking her to continue. Really Draco you couldn't be anymore careless."

So they were talking about me, unless there was some other girl that's been following him.

"Leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with this." Draco growled, his voice threatening.

"You're the one that's brought her into this, Draco."

I had been straining my ears to hear more and I realized a second too late that Draco was walking away- towards me. I didn't have time to even gasp let alone hide when Draco rounded the corner and ran straight into me. His expression was shocked then disbelief then it turned to rage. Before I could say anything, Draco covered my mouth and pulled me into an empty classroom. Once the door closed silently behind us Draco pinned me to the wall, his hands gripping my arms.

"What the hell are you doing eavesdropping on me? I thought I made it very clear that you can't follow me." Draco growled.

"I-I" I stuttered, still in shock by what I heard. I took a deep breath. "I had just come back from detention with McGonagall and I heard you guys talking."

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know that Snape made an unbreakable vow to your mother, you're on some kind of mission and I'm distracting you."

Draco let go of me and turned his back to me. He ran his hands through his hand, cursing under his breath and kicked at one of the tables. He turned back to and glared at me.

"Do you know how hard I've tried to keep you out of this? But you just keep coming back. You say that I'm confusing you but you're the one that's confusing. I don't understand you. Everyone hates me and doesn't want to get mixed up with me, except you. Why?" 

"Trust me, I've wanted so bad to not get mixed up with you but I can't help it! I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't let it go, can't let you go. I try to forget and move on with my life but I just can't."

Draco stared at me for the longest moment then in a second he had me pinned against the wall again. I gasped.

"You don't understand. You have to move on. I can't let you put yourself in danger because of me." Draco's voice was pleading.

"Danger? What's going on, Draco? What mission were you talking to Snape about?"

Draco groaned his eyes slightly glassed over as he brought his hands up to cradle my face.

"Please. Don't ask any questions. You will find out eventually and I need you to know that I had no choice. I was forced to do it."


Draco shushed me, putting his finger to my lips.

"Please. Just let me have this one moment. Please."

I was confused but before I could react Draco's lips were on mine, kissing me softly. It was a lot softer than the first time he had kissed me, like he was afraid to hurt me. My thoughts clouded and I kissed him back. I didn't feel the fire like before, this was more...tender. He was treating me like what every girl dreamt of being treated. With tender and love. Draco pulled me close to him so there was no air between us and continued to kiss me. When he did pull away we were both slightly out of breath. Draco trailed his hands over my body- but there was anything sexual about it, it like he was trying to memorize me. His eyes were sad as they stared at mine. For once the guard that Draco seemed to always have up and on full alert was gone. Draco leaned down and kissed me quicker this time but the kiss was still filled with the same amount of love.

"I'm sorry, Jen." Draco whispered.

It was the first time Draco had ever called me by my first name. I opened my mouth to say something back, to ask him what I wanted to know, but he pulled away from me and walked out of the classroom. I stared after him but made no move to follow him, knowing that it was useless. I hugged myself tightly, the tingling feeling on my skin from his touch still present. Not knowing until I tasted salt on my lips that I crying, knowing that I might never see that side of Draco ever again. Might not see the side that made me fall completely over for him. The side that admits that I'm not just some girl that he'd have a fling with I'm the girl that he cares about and loves.

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