Chapter 5:

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It's been a week since school started and since Ravenclaw and Slytherin have most of their classes together, I have almost all my classes with Draco. It wouldn't be much of an issue if he didn't sit next to me in every class that we have together. He's getting on my nerves to say the least. Not only does he try and flirt with me, he teases me and loves to bring up that I owe him. Today I was happy since it was a free day. I sat out by the Black Lake, doing my homework. The last thing I had to do was finish my potions essay and I was done. I scribbled down the last few words when I heard my name being called, well technically my last name. I cursed under by breath as I looked up to see Draco walking towards me. Draco came up to me and leaned against the tree I was sitting under.

"Well, hello Taylor" Draco smirked.

I glared at him. "Malfoy. What do you want?"

He shrugged. "I was bored and all my friends went to Hogsmeade."

"And that's my problem because...?"

"I would say it's more of a privilege that I decided to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so self-centered. Have you ever thought that I've been avoiding you?"

Draco just smirked, god how I hate his smirk. "Are you? If you were avoiding me then you wouldn't have come to my spot."

"What? I'm not in your spot."

"Oh, but you are. Everyone knows that whenever I come down to the Black Lake I sit under this very tree. I think you're the one trying to get my attention."

I rolled my eyes. "Well unlike everyone I don't know everything about you nor do I care. Plus, just because you come to a place a lot of times doesn’t make it yours."

Draco just shrugged at my latter comment and said, "But you do care. I've been doing a little research on you and I know that whenever you're faced with something you don't know the answer to you make it your mission to figure it out. I also know that I have become your riddle."

I tried to hide my surprise by rolling my eyes. "Please, why would I waste my time on you?"

Draco ignored my comment. "I would just give up now if I were you. Because I have a lot more layers than everyone thinks. No one can figure me out, babe, so I would just stop trying."

"You underestimate me, Malfoy. I've never been given something I can't figure out." I couldn't help but say. I hate it when people think I can't do anything, it just makes me want to do it more.

"Well sorry to be the one to alter your little streak, babe."

I glared at him. I knew he was just trying to provoke me, I can see it in his eyes. He wants me to try and figure it out, now he's testing me. I pulled out my wand and send a spell and all my homework disappeared up to my dorm. I stood up and looking into his eyes.

"Challenge accepted." I said, before walking away.

Half of me was screaming at me that I was making a mistake and the other part (the proud part) didn't want Draco to think he won when clearly-

The game has just begun.



Later that day I was walking out of dinner when I saw a familiar head of white blonde hair disappear down a dark corridor. Without thinking I followed him. I turned down the corridor and saw Draco a ways ahead of me making another turn. I sped up my pace and followed him. I stayed in the shadows but Draco didn't turn and look behind him. After following him up a bunch of random stairs and corridors he stopped in front of a wall. At first I thought he was lost but then a door appeared in front of him. My eyes widened, was this The Room of Requirements? How the hell did Malfoy find it? 

He opened the door and slipped inside. Before I could think about anything else I followed him in. I looked around but couldn't see him. The room was a mess, the room filled with piles and piles of random items. Why would Draco want to be here? Was this what he was hiding? That he found the Room of Requirements? Then I heard chanting. It was definitely Draco's voice but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I started walking around, following the voice but his voice seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. Then the chanting stopped. I kept looking around but it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I sighed, about to walk back when I felt someone's hand on my mouth. I screamed but it was muffled by the hand over my mouth.

"Why the hell are you following me?"

I slightly relaxed when I realized it was Draco. He turned me around so I was facing him and pointed his wand at my neck.

"Answer the question." Draco hissed.

"I-I saw you walking and-"

"But why did you follow me, Taylor? I don't care that you saw me, why did you follow me?"

"I-you." I took a deep breath. "You were right. You are my riddle and I'm just trying to figure you out. And besides, you were the one provoking me to!"

"I didn't tell you to bloody follow me!"

"How else am I supposed to figure you out?!"

"Why do you even want to figure me out? I'm trouble, everyone knows that. I'm self-centered, selfish with a dark past. Why would you even want to figure that out?"

"I-I don't know! It's just who I am. You said it yourself, when I am faced with something I don't know the answer to I make it my mission to find out the answer."

Draco lowered his wand but his hands still gripped my arms. His eyes were still filled with rage as he stared me down.

"What did you hear?" He whispered.


"What the bloody hell did you hear, Taylor?" Draco hissed, louder.

"Nothing. I just heard chanting but I couldn't understand it. I couldn't even find you in this bloody maze."

Draco stared me down for another minute before letting go of me. "Leave."


"Bloody hell, Taylor, are you deaf? Leave and don't follow me, ever. Understood?"



I swallowed and nodded. Draco turned away from me, like he didn't want to see me and I quietly sighed. I turned around and made my way towards the door. 

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