Chapter 28:

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It's been two months since the last time I talked to Draco. I had broken up with Olly like I had planned but I waited a week after Draco had beaten up Olly to break up with him. It didn't feel right to break up with him after Draco had beaten him up so I waited.

After I had talked to Draco and we kissed I felt a huge weight get lifted off of me. I just have to wait for the end of the year and Draco and I can finally be together. Only one more month since it was finally June. I felt like everything was slowly getting better. I have my friends, Draco actually loves me and we can be together soon. Only one more month. I don't think I'll be able to stand it. That night, I was walking down to dinner when someone grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom. My scream was cut off by a hand on my mouth.

"Shh, it's me." A familiar voice whispered.

I sighed in relief as Draco uncovered my mouth and turned me to face him. I smiled and hugged him.

"Why do you always have to take me to the most covert places?" I teased, pulling away from him.

When Draco didn't smile I became concerned. "Are you okay?" I asked, placing my hand on his cheek.

Draco swallowed. "Jen, I've got to tell you something. But you have to promise that you'll listen to everything before you jump to conclusions. Please." Draco grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers.

"Oh...kay. What do you have to tell me?" I asked.

"I'm going to tell you everything." Draco said.

My eyes widened. "Everything? Like your mission and everything?"

Draco nodded. "I promised that I'd explain everything to you and since it's going to happen tonight...I wanted to tell you myself. But it'll be easier you."

Draco let go of my hands and rolled up one of his sleeves. He took out his wand and pointed it at his arm. He spoke a quiet spell and a mark showed up on his arm. But it wasn't any ordinary mark.

It was the Dark Mark.

I gasped a took a step back. "Y-you're one of them." I breathed and stared at Draco like he was a stranger.

"I am, but I never wanted to be. My father forced me, there was nothing I could do..." Draco reached out to me and I flinched away. Draco looked hurt but he continued. "That's not all I wanted to tell you. My mission...the one I got at the beginning of the year, the one that Snape has been's...I have to...have to kill Dumbledore."

His words were like a stab to the heart. The boy I thought was the love of my life is apart of the group that killed my parents and now he admitted that he has to kill my grandfather. The man who took me in and raised me when my father was too heart broken to do it himself. I couldn't breath, it's like everything around me was falling apart.

"N-no, no, no, no, no..."

I couldn't think, I couldn't talk. This was all too much. I stared at Draco. I tried to picture him as a killer but I couldn't, he...I love-loved him. Looking at the mark was easier, made me believe that he's not who he said he was.

Draco gripped my shoulders and I struggled in his grip. "Jen, I have to. If I don't kill Dumbledore, he'll kill me."

I managed to pull out of his grip. "How could you?! You are apart of the people who killed my parents and now you're telling me you have to kill my grandfather! Dumbledore raised me when my father couldn't. I can't let you kill him."

Draco's eyes widened and he genuinely looked shocked, but I knew he couldn't be. He must have planned it. Voldemort must have known that Dumbledore was my grandfather, Draco was probably meant to get information out of me about Dumbledore.

"W-what?" Draco asked.

I took out my wand and pointed it at him. "Don't pretend that you don't know. Voldemort planned this didn't he? He had you get close to me so you'd find out my grandfathers' secrets. I trusted you! How could you do this to me? I thought...I thought..." Tears were streaming down my face in an endless flow and I choked on a sob.


Draco reached out to me and my bracelet snapped at him like a warning. The bracelet that Draco had given to me for Christmas literally snapped at him. Draco looked shocked and he put his arm down.

"Jen, please." Draco begged. "I had no idea, I wouldn't do that to you-"

"Bullshit." I growled. "You are just like the rest of Voldemort's followers. I should have never trusted you. Stay the hell away from me."

I said a spell and Draco froze in place. I slipped my wand in my pocket and ran out of the room. I couldn't get the tears to stop, I could barely see but I had to get to Dumbledore. I had to warn him. I couldn't lose him too. I was so consumed with everything that I almost didn't notice a fight going on around me. Students and teachers were all battling with people in black cloaks.


They were everywhere. It seemed like everyone was in a duel with a deatheater. I ran through the chaos, spells being thrown all around me. Then someone appeared in front of me and since I was running so fast I couldn't stop and I ran right into him. The guy turned towards me and I recognized him as Fenrir Greyback. I gasped and took a step back. Greyback growled and pulled out his wand. I struggled to get out my wand but I was too late.

"Avada Kedavra!" Greyback threw the curse at me.

All I could do was stare at the spell as it soared towards me. I lifted my arms up and my bracelet jumped off my wrist. The snakes on my bracelet came alive and swallowed the killing curse. Swallowed. I stood in shock as the snakes threw themselves at Greyback. I got out of my shock and used Greyback's momentary shock to my advantage and ran towards my grandfathers office.

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