Chapter 20:

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It was the last day of Christmas Break, the day where everyone that had been with their families would be arriving. Draco and I decided to meet up in the Room of Requirements so we didn't have to worry about the crowd. I had been so excited to see him, that I forgot to put the bracelet that he gave me on. I thought about going back to get it but in the end, decided against it. I was walking down the corridor closest to the Room of Requirements when someone covered my mouth and pulled me into his chest. At first, I thought it was Draco so I didn't freak out.

"Draco." I giggled as he pulled his hand away from my mouth.

He kissed behind my ear and ran his hands down my arms. Immediately I knew it wasn't Draco because Draco's hands were rough and calloused from his years of playing Quidditch and the hands on her were soft. I pulled away from the person and turned around to see a boy she didn't know. He wore Slytherin robes and he had black hair that swept over his angular face. His green eyes shone with mischief and a smirk played on his thin lips.

"I knew you were running around with Malfoy. You two think you're so careful but any idiot can figure out you two are together."

My eyes widened. "I-I.. we aren't-"

"Of please. 'Draco'" He mimicked. "What does everyone see in Malfoy anyway?"

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Pierce. And trust me, babe, I can satisfy you more than Malfoy can." He pushed me against the wall.

I tried to pull away from him but he just held me tighter. He leaned into me so we were chest to chest, his face inches from mine.

"I bet he can't even kiss you right." He murmured, his breath hitting her face.

"Let me go." I struggled.

Pierce laughed and pulled out his wand. "I see why Malfoy likes you. You're feisty. Though I prefer mine to be obedient."
He pointed his wand at my neck and I tensed. He said a spell and suddenly my body went still, as much as I tried to move it was no use. He had put a immobility spell on me. Pierce smirked and put his wand back into his robes.

"That's a lot better." Pierce moved his hands down my body until they were resting on my bum.

He brought his lips to my neck and started kissing it. I fought and fought against the spell but it was useless. Pierce moved his lips up to mine and kissed me.

"I'm going to show you that I'm a lot better than Malfoy will ever be." He murmured against my lips.

He started to unbutton my shirt as silent tears ran down my face. He was going to rape me and I won't be able to do anything about it. I always pictured my first to be with someone that I love and that loves me, not some boy I just met that is trying to best Draco.

He pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss down my chest after my shirt had opened. He reached back to undo my bra when suddenly he was pulled off of me. Pierce was thrown halfway down the corridor and the person that had thrown him was Draco. I've never seen his this mad. He usual pale face was reddening with rage and his eyes were blazing with anger. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Pierce.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Draco growled.

Draco said a spell and it hit Pierce and he went flying through the air before landing on the ground several feet away with a 'thud.' Draco said another spell that brought Pierce over to where Draco stood. Draco picked Pierce up by the neck and slammed him up against the wall.

"If you ever fucking touch her again I'll kill you. Stay away from her and if I see you any where near her I will end you, got it?" Draco growled.

When he said those words I had no doubt that he wouldn't go back on his word. Pierce's face was reddening and I knew that he couldn't breathe. Pierce spit on Draco's face and Draco threw him back onto the ground.

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