Chapter 30:

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I crashed through the bookshelves like they were made of Styrofoam and over to the railing as I watch Dumbledore fall. Another scream ripples through me when I saw my grandfather crash on the ground, hundreds of feet below me.

I couldn't believe it, the person I thought would always be there for me is...gone. And the person who is responsible for it is the person I thought was the love of my life. Someone grabbed me by the back of the robe and I struggled. I got thrown to the ground and I looked up to see Bellatrix, Greyback, Snape and all the other deatheaters standing above me.

"What should we do with her?" Greyback asked.

Bellatrix crouched in front of me and I scooted back. "Let's see how long it will take for the brat to fall."

Suddenly a jolt of anger so intense came bursting through me. These people are the reason that my parents and now my grandfather are dead. I want them to suffer. I jumped to my feet so fast that even Bellatrix fell back. I pulled out my wand and pointed at them.

"You'll have to fight me first," I growled, my voice holding so much venom and hatred even I was surprised. "Or are you afraid to fight fair? Scared because you don't have your precise Voldemort leading you? I'm surprised he isn't here since you blokes can't do anything yourselves. All you do is follow in Voldemort's shadow. You lot are just a bunch of cowards. Cowards cowering in the 'mercy' of their master. You're just afraid to go against him but an underage witch isn't, what does that say about you? Fight me, cowards. See how long you'll last without your master."

For a moment the deatheaters stared at me with amazement. It was Bellatrix that broke out of her shock first. Bellatrix got to her feet and stood before me.

"Bitch." Bellatrix growled and pointed her wand at me. "You have no idea what you're talking about, girl. You're a fool if you think that you could win a duel against any of us."

"Try me." I growled.

She started throwing spells at me but I just reflected them. I don't know if I was dueling so well because of how angry I was or if her attempts were just weak attempts. I didn't care. All I wanted was to see these cowards suffer.

"Is that all you got?" I sneered.

Bellatrix got angrier and started throwing spells at me more carelessly. I blocked them and shot some at her. One hit her in the chest and she staggered back in the crowd of deatheaters.

"Just let me rip her apart," Greyback growled, his voice as rough as sandpaper.

"No." Said a voice that held so much authority even Greyback slightly cowered. It was Snape.

"We don't have the time. The Order is gaining as it is. We're done what needs to be done, now we must leave." Snape snapped.

Snape made his way in front of the rest of the deatheaters and faced me.

"Bastard. Dumbledore trusted you! How could you betray him like that?" I hissed, pointed my wand at Snape.

Snape remained expressionless. "You'd do good if you didn't stick your nose in affairs you haven't even dreamed to begin to understand."

"I understand perfectly! You're a bloody cowardly double agent! You're too spineless to just pick one side, you had to look at both sides and find one that's to your liking. You have no loyalty or morals for that matter. I hope you rot in hell." 

Snape grabbed the top of my robe and pulled me so our faces were only a few inches apart. My eyes were slits as I glared at Snape with absolute loathing. 

"Not everything is as it seems, Miss Taylor," Snape said so low that no one else could hear.

Snape threw me and I landed in the arms of the last person I wanted to be in. Draco caught me and wrapped his arms around me. Beatrix pointed her wand at the sky, laughing maniacally. I looked up into the sky to see Voldemort's sign in the sky.

The rest of the deatheaters followed Beatrix out as she yelled 'Dumbledore's dead!' over and over. Once everyone was gone I pulled away from Draco. I had let all my anger out on the rest of the deatheaters so now all I felt was the pain. It didn't make it easier to face the boy that I had loved so deeply that I had thought he was the one. But that can't be true, he tore my family apart. I will never forgive him.

"How could you? I loved you! How could you do this to me?" I cried, tears streaming down my face as I stared at the boy I thought was my true love.

"Jen. You've got to listen to me. I-" Draco started walked towards me and I backed up.

"Don't come any closer. I don't want you anywhere near me. Dumbledore my last family left and you took him from me! I'll never forgive you for this. Never!" I cried.

"Jen, please listen to me. I didn't kill him-"

"Liar! I don't want to hear any more of your lies. I saw you with Dumbledore and I heard the spell so don't even try to lie to me! Did you even love me at all? Or did you just get close to me so you could find out my grandfather's weakness?"

Draco looked shocked and he took another step towards me. "Of course not! I love you, Jen and I always will. I had no idea that Dumbledore was your grandfather-"

"Liar! Just stay away from me. I'll never forgive for this. You can go rot in hell, Malfoy."


"NO! Stay away from me! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! You bastard!" 

I pushed past Draco and ran.

***Draco's POV***

I watched as Jen ran away. I cursed and ran my hands through my hair with tears stinging the back of my eyes. How could she believe that I would kill her grandfather? And hadn't she seen that it was Snape that did it, not me? I was about to tell them that I wouldn't do it when Snape just pushed me back and did it himself. How can I explain that to her when she won't listen to me?

I had to try, I had to go after her. She's so upset that I'm afraid that she'll get herself killed with all the fighting downstairs. At least she has that bracelet I gave her. That will provide her with some protection. I ran after her, my feet slamming against the hard stone as I willed my legs to go faster.

The fighting wasn't as bad as it was before, it had calmed down but it was still going on. Something jumped into my vision and I stopped so fast that I almost fell over. I looked at what had jumped into my vision and saw it was two small metal snakes. It was Jen's bracelet! I leaned down and the snakes slithered up my hand and secured themselves around my wrist.

I cursed and pulled out my wand. Since Jen doesn't have this with her she'll be at the mercy of any deatheater that catches her. And no deatheater will give her mercy after the display she showed upstairs as well as the fact that she's Dumbledore's only heir. I started running again, knowing for certain where she was on her way to.

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