Chapter 7:

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After class I went out to the Black Lake to do my homework. My friends didn't want to work on their homework so they just went up to the common room. I like to work outside so I didn't follow them up and just went by myself to the Black Lake. I worked on my homework for about an hour before my eyes started hurting and it was hard to keep them open. I decided to rest my eyes for minute and before I knew it I was asleep.

***Draco's POV***

I was walking with my friends back inside the school since it was almost past curfew when I saw someone lying under a tree by the Black Lake. I looked over to see it was Taylor.

"Hey, I need to do something; I'll catch up with you guys later." I said.

My friends nodded and walked into the school. Once they disappeared inside I walked over to Taylor. I looked down at her and noticed how peaceful she looked. Usually her forehead had a crease line from thinking all the time but it was gone now. She looked as tired as I felt and I wondered if she got as much sleep as I did last night. I knelt next to her and shook her shoulder. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Malfoy? What the hell are you doing here?" Taylor mumbled.

I slightly chuckled. "Be glad I found you and not Filch, babe. It's almost past curfew."

"Don' me...babe" Taylor mumbled before closing her eyes again.

I couldn't help but smile slightly. Even though she was half asleep she still corrects me when I call her babe. I put all her homework in her bag and hung it on my shoulder. I slid my arms under her and lifted her up bridal style. Taylor stirred but didn't wake up. She was surprisingly light which is good since I'll have to carry her up a bunch of stairs to get her to the Ravenclaw common room. It took me about fifteen minutes to finally get to the great oak door that led to the Ravenclaw common room.

What came first, the phoenix, or the flame?

"Circles have no beginnings" I answered.

The door opened and I walked in. The instant I walked in two girls ran up to me and I recognized them as the girls that are always with Taylor. When they saw me their eyes widened and they kept looking between me and Taylor.

"Are you going to take her from me or am I going to have to walk her up to her bed in the girls' dormitory?" I snapped, annoyed that they were just standing there.

"Uh...yeah, yeah. You can just set her on the couch and we'll get her up to her bed." The red-head said.

I nodded and walked over to the couch and set her down. I set her bag next to her on the floor and looked up to see that Taylor's friends were still staring at me.

"What?" I snapped.

They instantly looked away and I rolled my eyes. Without another word I walked out of the common room and started making my way to the Slytherin common room.


***Jen's POV***

I woke up and was shocked when I realized I was in my bed. How the hell did I get here? I groaned and sat up, stretching, relieved when I realized that it was Saturday and we don't have any classes. I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw my friends were staring down at me.

"Blood hell. You guys scared me!" I exclaimed.

"What the hell happened last night? You keep saying that you aren't hooking up with Malfoy but you're always with him, so what's going on?" Reyna asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm not always with Malfoy, I wasn't with him yesterday."

"The hell you weren't. Malfoy brought you up here last night." Cece said.

I furrowed my brow. He did? I thought that was just a dream. 

"Wait, Malfoy brought me up to the common room?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Cece asked.

I shook my head. "All I remember was going down to the Black Lake to do my homework and then falling asleep. That's it."

"Well Malfoy did bring you here." Reyna said.

"How did he get past the door twice?" I asked, more to myself.

"Twice?" My friends asked.

I mentally cursed. "Uh, yeah. Remember the first day back I got lost?"

My friends nodded.

"Well somehow I had made it all the way down to the dungeons and Malfoy helped me get back to the common room. And he was being an ass when I didn't thank him so I made him a deal. If he got past the door then I'd thank him." I said, keeping off the part that I owe him a favor and a kiss.

"Right. Well I guess we'll meet you down at breakfast." Reyna said.

I nodded and they left the room. I looked around the room and noticed that everyone had left already. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed and put on a little makeup. After I was ready I walked out of the dorm and common room and made my way to the Great Hall. It took about fifteen minutes before I finally made it to the Great Hall doors. I was about to walk in when someone walked out and I saw it was Draco.

"Malfoy. We need to talk." I said, knowing now how much I really did need to talk to him.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Oh, we do? About what may I ask?"

"What's wrong with you? You are confusing the hell out of me."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Don't play dumb with me; you know exactly what I'm talking about. First you tease me then you're angry with me then you're getting on my nerves again and then last night you took me up to my dorm when you could have just left me at the Black Lake to get caught by Filch. So what angle are you playing at?"

Draco had the nerve to laugh, to laugh. "You hate this don't you?" He asked.


"You hate that you can't figure me out. It kills you that you've found a mystery you can't solve, doesn't it?"

"Don't you dare turn this around to me! You are the one who's...who's..."

"Who's what, babe?"

"You know! There is something going on with you and everyone around you is just too stupid to notice. But I noticed and I will figure out what you're hiding, Draco Malfoy."

Draco advanced towards me until I was trapped between his arms on the wall. "Some mysteries are better left unsolved, babe." Draco whispered in my ear.

"Not this one. You're hiding something serious, I can tell. And if everyone else is too stupid to notice then I'll figure it out myself."

"I don't think you can do it." Draco said, moving his lips so they were hovering right above mine.

I tried to calm my fast beating heart and glared up at him. "You know the more you doubt me the harder I'll try."

Draco smirked. "Oh, I know. So I dare you to try harder, babe."

Draco trailed his lips across my cheek and to my ear before nibbling at it. I gave a light gasp and then the Great Hall doors opened. Draco instantly pulled away and walked away, leaving me to calm my rapid beating heart.

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