Chapter 36:

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***Jen's POV***

"Let go of me you coward! If you were a real man you'd fight me fair." I growled, struggling against his grip. "Fight me like a man, coward."

Pierce had the nerve to laugh. "You're an idiot. If you fought me you wouldn't last five seconds."

"If your so unafraid that test me. I dare you." 

Pierce smirked. "Fine."

Pierce threw me to the ground and I only had time to sit up before he lunged at me. I rolled out of the way and landed in a crouch. Pierce glared at me and started to advance towards me. I stood up and looked at the door behind his back. If I could distract him long enough I could make a break for it...

"Come and get me, asshole." I stretched my arms out. "Or are you afraid of getting your ass kicked?"

Pierce's ears turned pink with anger and he ran at me. I jumped out of the way and made a break for the door. I got the door open but Pierce grabbed my dress and pulled me back. I heard the fabric rip as I fell to the ground. I looked up at Pierce and he had a piece of my dress in his hand. He tossed it away and glowered down at me.

"I'm done with your games." Pierce growled.

Before I could react he was on top of me with his knees on either side of my hips and was holding my wrists above my head. He brought his face was it was inches from mine. His hot breath hit my face and I cringed.

"You aren't getting away this time, babe."

I struggled but it was useless. His lips were almost touching mine when I heard someone walk in.

"Get off of her, Pierce." I heard a familiar voice command.

Pierce rolled his eyes and without looking up said, "You're always ruining my fun aren't you, Blaise?"

I struggled harder but all Pierce did was tighten his hold on me. 

"This has nothing to do with you, just leave and close the door on your way out." Pierce said.

"I'm not leaving."

"I didn't tag you as a voyeur, Zabini."

Blaise ignored his comment. "If you don't let her go, I'll hex you."

Again Pierce rolled his eyes. "Why does it matter to you what I do to her? She's nothing to you."

"That may be true but I'm not going to just walk away and let you rape her."

"You're such a stick in the mud. You used to be fun." Pierce whined. 

"Let her go." Blaise growled, losing his patience.

Pierce rolled his eyes but got off of me. I scurried to my feet and sent Blaise a gracious look but he wasn't looking at me. He had his wand pointed at Pierce but Pierce seemed unfazed by it.

Pierce winked at me. "Some other time then, babe."

I cringed and stood so I was behind Blaise. Blaise lowered his wand and ushered me out of the room.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jen?" Blaise asked when the door shut between us and Pierce.

"I could ask you the same question."

"That's not important. What were you thinking coming here? If you're trying to find Draco he's not here. You've got to leave now before anyone spots you. Deatheaters are scouting the perimeter, looking for Dumbledore's granddaughter who has escaped..." Blaise stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. "Please don't tell me you're Dumbledore's granddaughter."

I opened my arms like a 'that's me' gesture. "Do you think I would be here if I had a choice?"

"Shit." Blaise ran his hand over his hair. "You know Draco was a prick to everyone before he met you."

"I know, but how does that have anything to do with-"

"And I'll admit, I didn't like him." Blaise continued. "Loathed him, actually. But after he met you, he changed. He became braver, wiser and better. He changed everything about himself for you. I don't know if somewhere deep down, way down, he really was like that but either way, you changed him. And hearing everything he did and is willing to do for you, it changed my opinion of him. I respect him now and I owe it to him to help you. Now take my wand."

Blaise held out his wand to me.


"Don't ask questions. Do you want out or not?" Blaise snapped.

I nodded and took his wand.

"Now scratch me with your rock weapon, and tie me up."

"What, no."

"Jen, you don't have much time to argue, now do it."

I could hear the distance sound of voices and running feet. The deatheaters were gaining.

"For Merlin's sake." Blaise took the rock out of my hand a cut a long, deep line down his arm.

He slightly flinched and I gasped.


"Now tie me up." Blaise said. "Now!"

I could hear the deatheaters closing in. I had two minutes tops. I pointed his wand at Blaise and said a spell. Ropes sprung from his wand and wrapped around Blaise's body.

"Thank you." I said before bolting towards the doors that led to a garden.

I opened the door to the garden and started running through the flowers, my bare feet sinking in the moist mud. Rain pounded down on me, and it took all my balance not to slip in the mud. My hair clung to my neck and face from the rain and sweat and it made it hard for me to see. I could hear the deatheaters yelling and they were getting closer.

I closed my eyes and tried to apparate but it wasn't working. There must be a spell put around the grounds so no one can get in or out. I started to run faster. My breath came out in pants and my legs ached from running so fast and long.

Rocks scraped against my bare feet and thrones and tree branches scraped against my arms and legs. I could see the stone fence ahead of me and willed my legs to go faster. The deatheaters steps grew closer but I couldn't run any faster.

Since I was running so fast I all but ran into the stone fence when I got there. I placed Blaise's wand in mouth so I could use both hands to climb. My bloody feet slipped against the damp fence and I struggled to get to the top. I reached the top of the fence and had almost pulled my feet up when someone grabbed my ankle.  

He pulled down hard and I held onto the top of the fence for dear life but I wasn't strong enough. The person pulled me to the ground, kicking and screaming. I tried pushing my way through the ten deatheaters but someone said and spell my body froze. Then they picked me up and brought me back to my cell.

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