Chapter 9

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Aish. Why me.

Standing in the gym, sweat beading on your forehead as you stare at Jimin who lifts an unhuman amount of weight with his arms.

I suck at arm strength.

After Jimin finishes all his sets he flashes you an arrogant grin and motions you towards the bar.

"Your turn sweetheart."

Rolling your eyes and walking over to the bar, you start removing weight off of it as Jimin snorts.

"What are you gonna do, just the bar?"

You blush and nod when you take off all the weight, your arms are equivalent to a wet noodle, you can barely do a pullup.

Swallowing hard and placing your hands on the bar you lift it up and watch Jimin in start laughing in front of you.

"What's so damn funny Jimin."

You glare hard at him when you drop the bar on the floor, he clutches his stomach and bends over laughing.

"You can barely even lift the bar!"

You feel embarrassment grow in your chest, it isn't your fault he has gorilla like strength.

"Fine then if it's so funny go train somewhere else and give me my gym back."

He pouts and stops laughing as he huffs.

"I'll never give it back."

You glare at him again and continue your workout in silence, every once in a while you catch Jimin staring at you with an odd look which causes your heart to flutter.


"No. I just won't eat."

You sit there with your carrot sticks again and listen to Jimin talk on his phone, his voice is extremely stern.

"Jungkook don't bring it! Aish..."

He looks at his phone and sighs, running his hand through his blonde fluffy hair he walks over and sits next to you.

"Soo...Jungkook is coming?"

Your heart speeds up in your chest when thinking about the muscular young man, his physique is definitely attractive, and unlike Jimin he dresses somewhat normal.

Jimin looks at you and narrows his eyes, his jaw tightening in anger.

"You're happy about that right? Figures."

You blink and look over at him in light shock, Jimin's always been arrogant towards you, but never has be been rude.

"Excuse me?"

You feel ready to fight but before you can try anything Jungkook walks in the door wearing a black turtleneck, black leather jacket and matching black ripped jeans holding three bags of food.


Jimin looks down when Jungkook makes his way down the stairs, he plays with his fingers until Jungkook throws the bag of food in his lap.

"Hyung, since I'm already here, I'll have lunch with you!"

You hear Jimin groan before he opens his lunch bag and Jungkook plops right between the two of you and smiles.

"Y/N, I brought you a lunch too!"

You look down at the brown bag and blush, looking inside you see a beautifully organized lunch box full of fresh vegetables and meat.

"Wow...Jungkook...did you make this?"

Jimin shoves his mouth full of rice and his tone is bland as he looks at you.

"Our brother Jin hyung made it. He makes all of our food for us." Jimin's a middle child?!

You nod and smile softly as you begin eating the lunch, your tastebuds almost melt from the amazing taste.

"Wow...this...this is delicious."

Jungkook looks at you and smiles wide, putting some of his ham in your lunchbox and nodding.

"You can have my ham, you need a lot of protein simce you're an ice skater."

You blush hard and look at him, his round ebony eyes look at you with endearment.

" you..."

Jungkook smiles and goes back to his meal, you glance over at Jimin who has now scooted far away from Jungkook and you and is eating his meal in complete silence.

What's gotten into him?


After Jungkook leaves, you walk over to Jimin who is back in the gym lifting even more weight than before.

"Yah Jimin, you're going to hurt yourself."

He ignores you and keeps lifting, your eye twitches with light agitation as you stand right in front of him.


he looks at you and drops the bar abruptly, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the small room.


You blush softly looking at his angered face, his lips set in a soft pout and his cheeks slightly puffy, you almost want to reach out and touch them.

" shouldn't lift that much..."

The anger in his eyes lightly softens as he looks at his hands, red and callused from the ridged bar.

"Well...gotta work myself up."

You nod and decide to head over to the treadmill, Jimin's sudden sour mood causes you to want to avoid his angry face at all costs.


After running on the treadmill for about half an hour you look over and see Jimin join you, setting his water bottle on the machine and turning it on.

" have two brothers?..."

He nods and keeps his gaze set on the wall.

"Yeah...Jin hyung is the oldest of us three, but since our parents are never home he makes food for us and all that, our mom occasionally calls and checks on us and sends Jungkook to get me all the time even though she isn't here."

Your heart tugs when you see a sad look set in Jimin's eyes, he must miss his parents a ton.

"Ah...I don't have any siblings..."

He looks over at you and offers a soft smile, all arrogance gone from his eyes and you feel your heart slightly flutter.

"You're one of the lucky ones Sweetheart."

You blush hard and nod, turning your gaze on the wall as you both fall into silence, the only sounds in the room are the whirrs of the treadmills.


When Jimin pulls up on your street, you get out of his car and grab your bag, waving at him and smiling.

"See you tomorrow Jimin."

He nods and waves back, rolling up his slick black windows and driving off, leaving you alone on the sidewalk.

Excited to go inside and get some much needed sleep, you walk up to your porch and push your key in the lock and hear the door click.


Looking up at the door your heart freezes in fear when you look at the three pink slips on the door.

The first one wasn't a letter from your parents.

All three of them are eviction warnings.

(A/N): Sorry for the long break darlings ♡

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