Chapter 10

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No way.

No way.

Pulling your phone out of your pocket you dial your mom's phone number as fast as possible, feeling panic grip your chest.

"Ahhh Y/N! Hi!"

Your mom's voice sounds oddly giddy, loud music plays in the background.

"Eomma! The house! What happened why isn't the rent paid?!"

Suddenly the loud music stops in the background and your mom's voice is now a little less giddy.

"Ah...well....your father...he spent all the money getting this house we don't have enough to pay for that house..."

Feeling agitation take over the previous feeling of panic you grit your teeth.

"Eomma. Where did you think I was going to live?! You left me here!"

She chuckles and clears her throat, trying to sugarcoat the situation.

"Mm...well...sweetie can't you get a job and pay rent? Your father and I are trying to have fun here."

What the...

"We've spent a lot of our lives raising you and being broke trying to keep you in ice skating."

Your heart feels like it stopped in your chest, tears well in your eyes and fall down your cheeks at your mom's harsh words.

"Oh yeah? Well I hope you two have fun, because starting now I won't accept any money from you! Don't even think of me as your daughter anymore!"

You hear your mom's voice scrambling on the other line as you hang up, banging your fist on the door you choke up and tears stream down your cheeks, hitting the cold concrete.

Great....where to go now....

Turning and sliding down the door, you sit on the porch crying and shivering, completely lost on what to do, now you're completely homeless with no family to turn to.


Feeling completely defeated, you pull your phone out and look at the only other number in your phone, you know for a fact you'll freeze to death if you stay out here and you have no money for a hotel.

Swallow your pride Y/N.

Dialing the number, you sniffle and hear the familiar voice chime on the other line.


You swallow hard and sigh.


"Y/N? What's wrong? Have you been crying?"

Wow, he's good.

"I...I parents didn't pay rent on my house..I'm locked out.."

"I'll be there soon."

You blink in light shock when he suddenly hangs up, you sniffle and bury your face into your arms, crying more feeling miserable.


After about thirty minutes, you hear tires pull up in your gravel driveway, lifting your head up you see Jimin getting out and running up to you.

"Y/N! Are you alright?"

He leans down and pulls a blanket around your shivering body, even the coat he bought you can't completely sheild you from the cold.

"Y-yeah....I-I'm alright..."

He helps you stand up and you both walk to his car, he sets you in the passenger seat and you feel the heat blasting, warming your aching cheeks.

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