Chapter 18

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Okay Y/ can do this.

You stand at the bottom of the stairs, bag of Jimin's favorite chicken nuggets in hand, since he left early from the mall, you had Jungkook stop by the restaurant.

If he doesn't feel good...he definitely needs nuggets.

You take a deep breath and slowly walk up the stairs, your heart pounding in your chest the closer you get to his room.

Ah...I've never been in a boy's room before...

You try to imagine what Jimin's room could possibly look like, probably completely perfect, like himself, and expensive stuff everywhere since he loves to shop so much.

Aish...calm can do this..

When you get to the door, you tap on it softly with your shaking hands.

"U-um...J-Jimin?...can...can I come in?.."

Your voice quivers as you take another deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.


When you hear no answer, you twist the knob, testing whether it's locked or not, which you quickly figure out it isn't when his door pops open.

Shit shit shit.

You peek inside, your cheeks blushing when you smell his familiar scent of cologne, whoch always emits off of him even when you've both worked out for ten hours straight.

To your surprise, his room is extremely warm and comforting, the light smell of coffee underlaying the cologne, books are placed on soft coloed bookshelves, his bed directly in the middle of his room.


This is the exact opposite you thought his room would look like, you instantly feel tired because of how comfortable it is.


In the bed, you see the soft furry blankets laid over Jimin, his cheek resting on his pillow.

He's asleep...

You sneak over to his bed, setting the chicken down on the soft plush carpet and sighing to yourself.

I wanted to eat these with you though...

Looking at his face, your cheeks blush even more, his face looks completely relaxed, his hair lightly brushing over his forehead, his lips set in a sleeping pout. my heart beating so fast again...

Instead of waking him up, you pull the blanket over him more, if he's sick, he definitely needs rest.

He can eat the chicken when he wakes up...

You write a little note on the bag, giggling quietly to yourself and sitting it by his bed, creeping out of the room, you shut the door and smile.

Sleep well...Jimin...


"Eh? Vacation?"

A little later in the day, you sit on the couch with a couple cookies Jin made, Jungkook sitting in front of you on the coffee table.

"Yeah! Like a trip to the beach or something!"

"What about your party?"

"My party isn't even for a couple weeks."

"Then why did you make me sit through hours of clothing choices?"

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