Chapter 35

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So warm..

So soft...

Your eyes flutter open and focus on the person beside you, Jimin's arms wrapped securely around your waist.

This is so comfortable...

Smiling softly, you close your eyes again and nuzzle up to Jimin, a deep breath escaping your lips.

I never want this to end....


Both you and Jimin sit up immediately when you hear Jin's voice wail through the house.


Jimin flies out of the blankets and throws the door open, revealing Jin standing there in his pink apron.

"Someone robbed Y/N's room!!!"


Jimin giggles and shakes his head, looking at a confused Jin.

"Hyung....Y/N couldn't find her teddy bear last night so she kind of freaked out and tore apart her room."



He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, suddenly scrunching his nose.

"Teddy bear? I thought I saw a teddy bear a few days ago..."


"Ah...I'm probably just thinking of a long time ago...I hope you find your teddy bear Y/N!"

You smile and stand up, nodding softly and trying to keep the sadness swallowed down.

"Thanks Jin Oppa..I'll clean my room up-"

"Nonsense! I'll have this done in no time! You two get off to practice!"


He really is like a mom...

You smile and grab your bag out of your room, quickly changing and waiting for Jimin to come out of his room.

Last night was so nice...

Your eyes catch raven colored hair as you look to the side and see Jungkook standing beside you, his mouth twisted up in a smile.

"Hey Y/N."

"Oh...Hi Jungkook."

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened at the party, I didn't mean to act like such a jerk."

You give him a soft smile and nod, softly leaning against the wall.

"It's no big deal Jungkook..."

"Good, and I hope you and Jimin are happy together. I'll also try to help you try to find your bear too, I know how it feels to lose something important to you."

I feel like there's more to that comment...

You nod and swallow hard, the air in the room becoming thick.

"Well thank you...that bear did mean a lot to me..."

Suddenly you feel a hand go around your arm, looking over you see Jimin looking at you with a tender smile.

"You ready?"


You bid Jungkook goodbye and watch him wave at the stairs, the smile never leaving his face.

That's....kind of creepy...



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