1 Million Reads

15.1K 710 156


You guys....

I'm bawling.

I am literally crying my eyes out right now honestly I just....

Icy Dreamer has officially hit 1 million reads....I am absolutely shocked right now...

Some of you who have been here from the get go remember when this story literally stayed at 1K reads for a whole 10-11 months and now here we are...together...looking at 1 Million reads....

I cannot even begin to even say thank you because I am so in shock still like even writing this my hands are shaking like a leaf.

I remember 2 years ago....when I was sitting on my couch watching the olympics this story all of a sudden popped into my mind and I just felt this sudden pull to write, like in that moment I had to create it and I wrote the first chapter in minutes.

I never expected this story to get this big honestly I never expect ANY of my stories to get big I just love writing so much and until I write the story it's always in my mind driving me crazy.

You guys....oh my god Thank you, Thank you SO MUCH for being with me here to reach this milestone and Thank you for being one or many of the reasons this story has hit such a milestone.

Guys all of this is for you, without you guys I wouldn't be here writing today because every single vote and comment give me the confidence to keep creating and the determination to keep dreaming and imagining and just giving me a platform to write the stories that come into my mind.

I'm trying to write all of this through very heavy happy tears and trust me I'm an ugly crier so this is quite hilarious.

A lot of you on here and that are reading this message have followed me for quite a while so you know I can get pretty mushy 😂😅

Never in my life have I had something like this blow up and have someone read my stories and actually appreciate them and take the time to follow me and leave precious little comments, even the funny ones sometimes I'm here on my couch rolling from you guys.

When I started writing on this account, I remember it actually I was introduced to it by some friends I've since lost contact with but immediately I was like "Fanfiction?" And almost immediately stories started flowing into my mind and I felt this overwhelming sensation just come over me all at once.

As some of you may know, when I was 17 years old I made the choice to leave high school because of bullying and I graduated early from a high school equivalency program through the local college in my area, however I didn't leave because I wanted to, I had to.

I have up a 4.0 GPA and because of the bullying I lost every friend I had and honestly I was so alone, people you've known for 9-14 years are suddenly calling you names and trying to psychologically bully you even after you remove yourself and run away from it all.

So when I started writing on here I was already a heavy Army and I was beginning to heal from everything that happened to me, then I was introduced to this app.

This app that allowed me to come into its world and figure out not only did it have a community of writers, but a community of friends ready to read your work.

I met two lil readers on here a long time ago, tilakani is one of the precious babies I met on here, one of the first actually because I wasn't too keen on meeting online friends yet, but she messaged me and immediately I knew that her and I would become besties and we talk literally everyday and drool over the boys 😂

Next was my Kay, KayBear93 oh gosh her and I have known each other for about two and a half years now I think? I remember seeing all her comments on BB and I was like "oh yeah, we totally need to be friends." We've sent letters and pictures and presents and honestly she's been my rock through many hard moments (even though I'm totally the Unnie)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I never knew that 7 boys, 7 boys on one fateful day crying in my bedroom would lead me to such a day where I can write things like this and celebrate with my whole community of blessings placed in my life.

I love you all, I love every single one of you and this will be a day that I remember forever because it's one of the greatest days of my life.

Thank you for reading my story, and thank you for being a part of my healing and a part of restoring my confidence and self worth through a simple vote and comment.

Even if you don't think it's much, it means the world to me, and I'll alway be here to hold your hand just like you were there to hold mine 💜

I love you, let's keep flying high with the wings our boys have given us 💜

Forever and Always


Icy Dreamer |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now