Chapter 16

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"Y/N! It's time!"

You walk down the stairs of the huge house, freshly showered and ready to go shopping to help Jungkook pick an outfit for his party in a week or so.

Little does he know, Jimin is coming too.

You slip your purse on your arm, your hair up in a ponytail despite the freezing cold weather.

"Alright Jungkook, I'm ready."


Both of your heads turn when Jimin walks down the stairs, a tight maroon tshirt hugging his body, his ripped jeans hug his hips as he throws on a leather Gucci jacket, his blonde fluffy hair perfectly parted.

Damn son.

You don't notice the glare Jungkook shoots his hyung, Jungkook looks extremely casual, joggers and a tight sweatshirt, timberlands on his feet, he lives in timberlands.

"Um...hyung...where are you going?"

"Um, with you guys? Y/N said I could come."

Jungkook looks at you with a surprised face, you swallow hard and feel your cheeks heating up.

"Um...yeah...I...Invited him...he owes me food..."

He rolls his eyes but has a smile on his face as he does, slinging his arm over your shoulder and looking at you.

"I guess it's fine, third wheels can be fun too."

You blink in light surprise as Jungkook tugs you along with him, Jimin rolls his eyes and follows behind the both of you, his face in a pout.

"Y/N, you can ride in the front with me, Jiminie can ride in the back."

He doesn't even call his brother hyung...

You nod and blush softly as you crawl into the passengers seat, Jungkook leans over when he gets inside and buckles you in, your faces extremely close as he smiles.

"I'm excited."

You nod and give him a shy smile as he returns to the steering wheel, popping his neck and firing up the engine.

"To the mall!"

You chuckle softly at Jungkook's excited demeanor, he looks like a small bunny as he pulls out of the driveway, dust being thrown eveywhere.

The drive is mostly silent, Jimin sits in the back pouting and scrolling through his phone as Jungkook focuses on the road, he isn't one to talk much in the car.

"Y/N, my coach messaged me, is it workout day tomorrow?"

Jimin pops his head up into the front seat, smiling at you and showing ypu the text.

"Do you really call your coach Warden?"

He nods and sighs, shuddering.

"They both might as well be Wardens, they're scary."

You nod in agreement and chuckle softly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, and yes tomorrow is workout day we did our routines this morning."

He nods and leans his cheek on the edge of your seat, his fingers typing quickly on his phone.

His cheeks are so cute...I want to squish them...

You blush again and try to collect yourself from Jimin's cuteness, Jungkook must have noticed, because he hit the breaks suddenly, sending Jimin flying into the back seat.

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