Chapter 32

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You stare up at the sky in wonder, tears almost springing to your eyes from the beauty.

The stars are cast in the sky like piles of diamonds on black velvet, swirling and creating endless twirls of light, the purple of the night sky blending with the lavendar flowers in the field, creating a perfect mix of cathartic beauty.


You can barely speak as you continue to look at the sky, the beauty taking your very breath away.

"This is the Milky certain times you can come here and see it clearly...I wanted to bring you here like stars..."

You blush and look down at the man in front of you, his cheeks and nose lightly flushed pink from the chilly night air, but his eyes are warm and tender, like a fireplace in an old country home.

"It's beautiful..."

"Not nearly as beautiful as you Y/N."

You blush hard and stare at the man in silence as he pulls you closer to him, his lips slowly making their way to yours, warmth spreading on your own lips, bringing them to life from the bitter cold weather.

Kissing under the stars....

When Jimin pulls away, he lets you go tenderly and grabs the blanket, walking to a place where only short grass is growing, laying the blanket down.

"Here...come sit."

You nod and follow him, sitting down on the plush small quilt, the air tearing through your sweatshirt.

Gah...its fricken cold.

As if Jimin read your mind, you feel another blanket wrapping around your shoulders, looking over you see a small soft yellow blanket on you.

Oh....its so warm...

Jimin smiles and sits beside you, pressing his shoulder against yours.

"That's my baby blanket from my Father...all I can really remember is him giving me that blanket and a small yellow ball to go with it...."

You blush and lay your head on his shoulder, your mind running wild with emotions.

"I...dont remember much about my mother..."

"Huh? I thought..."

"I um...I'm adopted.."


"My mom....raised me until I was five years old...but it was were always getting with her and abusing her...that much I do remember..and they often abused me too, from what I've been told. When I was five...she took me to the grocery store and told me that I could pick out a special toy...and handed me a twenty dollar bill..."

You swallow hard and feel your heart in your throat, this is the first time you have ever openly talked about your mother.

You want to forget her.

You want to forget them.

But, you love Jimin enough to let it all out.

"So...being a five year old...I walked around, looking endlessly at all the toys, trying my hardest to pick one I could play the end...I found...."


" teddy bear...I was so happy to find him...I felt like I had just found a naturally...I walked up to the cash register and told them my mom was waiting outside for me...because she said she would be there..."

You feel tears beginning to well in your eyes, the old pain from these wounds being opened, all your scars on full display under the starlight.

"I stood out there....for five and a half the hot sun for my mother...every second getting more and more scared...people staring at me as I stand holding my new teddy bear..."

This is too much...

This hurts...


You sniffle and hiccup, the tears now falling down your cheeks, the cool air hitting them.

"After all that time...she never came back...I walked in the store when I got so hot I got of the workers came up to me and gave me a drink...and asked me where my mom was...and all I could say...was I don't know.."


"The police...looked for her as long as they could for me....but apparently the last place she was seen is an airport in Seoul...leaving the country with a fake passport."

You turn your head away from Jimin and try to hide your tears, your chest tight and heavy from the pain.

"Soon after....I was adopted by the family I lived with...their little boy had died a year they decided to adopt a little girl..the husband thought I would lighten up the house."

And now...

"And now...they left me to go to have be free of me..."


Your voice is barely a whisper as you turn your head forward, looking up at the stars.

"Why does everyone leave me?.."

Suddenly you're pulled into Jimin's arms, his embrace softening the blow of pain hitting you.



You feel his chest quivering as he holds onto you, his hand making it's way softly to the back of your head.

"It's okay to cry...we're under the sky..."

I see...

Stars can hide our deepest secrets...under the starlight...we are free...

You wrap your arms around Jimin's waist, burying your face into his shoulder, tears pouring out of your eyes onto his shirt.

"It hurts so bad!"

"I know Y/N...I hurt too...I understand..."

That's right...

He does understand...

He understands it all...

Maybe Jimin and I are like the stars..trying our best to shine brightly in our darkest of nights..

You sniffle and look up at Jimin, his eyes red and puffy as he presses his forehead against yours, his hands pressing softly on your cheeks.

"Y/N...I'll never leave you.."

You sniffle and look at him with wide eyes as he gives you a tender smile, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"I promise."

His voice is a soft whisper as he makes his promise, your eyes grow teary again as you smile, feeling a weight lift off your chest.

Maybe we are just stars...

But are more than a star to me...

You are my whole galaxy.

(A/N): Okay fam, anyone else crying??? XD for some reason my own writing made me cry XD XD XD wanna write a sad chapter? Listen to The Truth Untold cx 😭😭😭

This may be one of the best chapters I have written, I love how full of emotion it is, what did you guys think???

Also, did you catch my sneaky reference???? Cx

Love you all!! ❤❤💛💛💙💙💚💚💜💜

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