Chapter 49

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Telling me to use my head.

You huff softly and stand in front of the mirror in your room, your plain jeans and t-shirt definitely not matching what someone would wear to a party.

I'll just go for an hour or so to make a point, he can't talk to me like that and he needs to know it.

You look down into the sink sadly, your heart feeling like it's sank to the bottom of your stomach.

I wonder why he was so rude...

I know he doesn't like Jungkook...but he didn't have to take it out on me.

With another huff you grab your purse and open your bedroom door, your face met with Jimin's shut door.

He isn't even going to try and stop me?...

"Come on Y/N!"

You roll your eyes and walk down the stairs, Jungkook standing at the bottom with his friend named Minji, hia black jeans and red leather jacket giving him Jungkook's "Bad Boy" look.

He looks familiar...

Who is that?

"Wow, I thought you said she was hot?"

Excuse Me?

You narrow your eyes at Minji as he looks down at you with a cutting gaze, his voice laced with arrogance.

"Yah Minji chill, come on Y/N."

You give Minji a deep glare as you follow Jungkook out the door and start to get in the back seat, Jungkook's hand stopping you.

"You ride in the front, Minji can chill in the back."

"Aw come on man Don't pick some chick over me-"

"Minji. Get in the back."

You could cut the air with a butterknife as Minji groans and gets in the back seat, your body awkwardly settling into the soft leather.

"Um...Jungkook maybe I should just go insi-"

"What no way! Come on Minji's just rude when he isn't drunk. Please Y/N please stay?"

You look over into his black irises and give a deep sigh, your head softly nodding.


"Woohoo! Alright let's get our party on!!!"


This place is a nightmare.

Your nose burns with the scent of alcohol and cheap cologne as you try to make your way through the sweaty bodies dancing on the floor, the loud music shaking the building.

I want to get out of here.

I don't want to stay an hour.

It hasn't even been thirty minutes.

I have to find Jungkook.

You shove your way past two couples heavily making out as your eyes spot a red jacket amongst the blacklight, your legs shaking with anxiety.

I bet that Minji guy knows where Jungkook is, I'll ask him.

You carefully stumble over to Minji and tap his shoulder, his body turning and looking at you with a smile.

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