Chapter 17

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"Aha! I win!"

You groan and drop the half burger in utter defeat, Jimin rubs his belly and smiles innocently, chewing the last bite.

"You, are a bottomless pit."

You push the burger away, your stomach cramping from eating so much food, Jimin pats your back and smiles wide.

"Well, I can eat way more than this, so get your wallet ready next time we eat."

You roll your eyes and give a smile, trying not to explode.

"That was disgusting to watch Jimin."

You both turn your heads to Jungkook who has his arms crossed, eyes cut over to Jimin who's face turns pink.

"What are you a pig?"

You blink in shock and clear your throat, patting your hands on the table.

"Well! Since we've all eaten how about we walk it off with some shopping?"

You look at both the boys who sit there, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, definitely having a silent battle.

Is this what it's like having a brother?

You grab their arms and pull them up from the chairs gently while smiling.

"Come ooonnnn everybody loves shopping!"

Jimin looks over at you and nods with a wide smile.

"I love shopping!"

You feel your hand once again entangle with Jungkook's as he tugs you past Jimin towards the escalator, your cheeks light up red again.

He's so calm about it..

Swallowing hard you stand on the steps with Jungkook, looking up at his soft bunny face as he gives you a tender smile.

"So, are you going to help me pick out clothes?"

You nod and bite the inside of your lip, feeling suddenly nervous.

"Y-Yeah...I'll do my best..."

He nods and continues to smile as he leads you off the escalator, Jimin doing his best to follow behind.


"Hmmm, this one is nice."

You sit on one of the chairs in the middle of the expensive store, Jimin beside you as Jungkook files through endless racks of clothes, making the assistant carry an armful for him to try on.

He's worse than Jimin.

You sigh and look over to see Jimin beginning to nod off, h almost falls over but you catch his shoulder and laugh.

"Uh, hey Jimin."

He sits up quickly and rubs his eyes, letting out a whine.

"Are we still here?"

You laugh and pat his shoulder, lightly rubbing his back as you watch Jungkook still shop with determination, you don't see the blush that hits Jimin's face when you touch him.

"Do you have my size in this?"

Your boredom increases with every shirt that's stacked on the poor worker's arms, she wouldn't notice though, she's too busy drooling over the brown haired boys appearance.

"I-I'll go check!"

The worker speeds off across the store as Jungkook winks at her, his mouth turned up in a smirk.

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