Chapter 47

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I'm so nervous.

I'm going to throw up.

I can't do it.

Why are my hands shaking.

I've performed in front of thousands of people before.

I've lost first place in front of my worst enemy, which is now my boyfriend, since I was six years old.

You press your back against the cool metal of the dressing room lockers, goosebumps rising off your shoulders as the sleeves of your pink gown hug your every curve.

Thank god Jimin vouched for a longer dress....or I'd be a mess right now.

Well....more of a mess than I already am.

"Will the Nutcracker contestants please make their way to the ice."

Oh god.

Oh no.

Should I run away?

Should I quit?

No....Jimin is waiting for me...

You sigh and make your way to the arena, the bustling sound of the crowd stirring up even more butterflies.

How can I possibly do this.

"Go Y/N! Go Jimin!"

You look up and see Jin sitting in the front of the stands with Jungkook at his side, his giant pretzel held up in the air as others give him odd looks.

He obviously hasn't ever been to a sweet of him...

You almost slip and fall the second your skates his the ice, your knees feeling like jello as you stare at the ground.

I can't do this.

I'm too nervous.

I'm going to fall.

Your eyes land on familliar black Louis Vuitton skates, your head snapping up to see Jimin in a prince outfit, his gaze looking down at you with light concern.

"You Okay?"

"No....I'm too nervous...I can't do this Chim....I feel like I'm going to throw up and my legs are all shakey and my hands are sweaty and what if I fall and what if I-"


You look up into his eyes as he places his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs tenderly rubbing them as he slides closer to you.

"Keep looking at me. Focus on nothing but me. Pretend the crowd doesn't exist."


"You and I are in your bedroom. This is nothing but us dancing to the same beat we danced to in your bedroom. Don't look at the crowd, don't look at the rink. Look at me, and follow my lead."

You swallow hard and nod as he leans forward and places a kiss on your forehead, his hands moving down to your hips.

"You look beautiful Sweetheart."

He thinks I'm beautiful...

You take a deep breath as he separates from you and skates to the other side of the rink, his body going into his position as you calmly stretch into yours.

Look at no one but him.

Focus on him.

I can do this.

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