Chapter 57

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"Y/N-ah please think this through."

You simply sniffle and shove another handful of clothes into a duffle bag, your eyes stinging from the amount of tears still staining your cheeks.


"Please. Jin. Please just stop."

"Think this through! Jimin-ah would never-"

"I know....he's your younger brother...and I know you love him which is why I'm going to leave quietly...please just let me go..."


"Thank you...for letting me stay in your home...and for being so welcoming...I'll pay you back for everything....I promise."

"Y/N-ah please-"


He looks at you with somber doe eyes as you sling the bag over your head and sigh, your fingers clutching onto Collin's soft plush fur.

"I...please just let me go....before he gets back and this gets even worse than it already is."

"Where...where will you go?"

"I'll go to a sauna and get myself a part time job."

"Y/N-ah your ankle is still sprained what job are you going to get?"

"I'll find one."

Grabbing your crutches you push yourself as fast as you can down the staircase, your chest hollow and aching when you open the front door.

This is it....

I'm leaving....

Why did I ever trust him.

Why did I ever put myself in this situation.


Jin walks up to you and puts a piece of paper in your hand, his eyes filled with concern and sadness.

"This is my number. Please...please call me Y/N-ah....I think of you as a little least text me and tell me you've taken your meds..."

You give Jin the best smile you can muster at the moment as you nod, your body exhausted from crying.

"Alright...I will...Thank you...for everything.."

You turn away as fast as you can so Jin can't see the tears running down your cheeks, your legs wobbling and shaking while the tears drip on the cold concrete.


Why did this happen....

Why did my parents have to leave...

What am I going to do now...


"Thank you, come again."

You nod your head at the convenience store cashier and push your body out into the cold winter air, your hot noodles steaming in front of you. foot hurts so bad...

I walked all the way here...

I should've prepared for this and gotten my car fixed when I had extra money.

Instead I bought that jerk....a christmas present...

You hang your head towards the table and slowly tug your phone out of your coat pocket, more tears escaping down your cheeks.

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