Chapter 36

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"Jimiiinnnn how far is iiitttt I'm coollldddd."

Your whine sound through the icy breeze tearing through your sweatshirt as Jimin coos in front of you.

"It's just around this corner Sweetheart."


Your cheeks warm against the icy breeze as you soon see a little shop set in between two old looking buildings.

"We're here!"

You smile wide and jog to Jimin's side as he wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"You're going to love this place."

As long as you're with me Jimin I'll enjoy anything....



You smile wide as you look around the vintage style sweets shop, beautiful white wire antique tables litter the wooden floors as you both walk up to the counter.

"Ah Jimin-ah! What Will you have?"

Jimin keeps his arm around your shoulder as he looks at the pretty blonde behind the counter.

"Two of the usuals please."

You smile softly when he pays and leads you over to one of the tables, the warm air slowly taking the stinging pain away from your cheeks.

"This place is so beautiful..."

"Not as beautiful as You."

You look across the table at Jimin as he snaps a picture of you, the tiny photo coming out of the camera.


"What? You look so beautiful in this light."

You submiss in silence but give him a smile as he tucks the photo into the inside pocket of his coat.

"Alright, two usuals!"

You blink and smile wide as you watch the steam billow off of the cinnamon roll placed in front of you, Jimin's eyes disappearing as he smiles at you.

"They make the best pastries in town."

"So you come here a lot?"

"I've come here since I was a little kid. When my life would get too stressful I would come here and the old woman working here would give me one of these on the house."


You nod softly and take a bite of the pastry as Jimin watches you, an odd emotion shining in his teddy bear eyes.


"I dunno...I just never thought I'd come here with anyone..."

You tilt your head to the side as he shakes his head and takes a big bite of the roll, some icing stuck on his chin.



"Y/N, you lost the bet."

"Oh right! have some icing on your chin."

A mischevious glint shines in his eyes as he leans forward, eyes set on you as he grabs your cold fingers.

"Wanna get it off for me?"

Your face turns red as a cherry as you tug your hand away, your words a low hiss as you glare at him.

"Just use a napkin!"

He laughs softly as he takes a drink of his coffee, leaning back against the chair as he watches you.

"You're so cute Y/N."

What's with all the compliments?

" gonna be partners in an ice dance..."

Jimin nods and leans forward, his forehead crinkled as he tilts his head to the side.

"Yeah....usually I know what my foach is up to....but this time I had no idea. I wonder why they want us to do it."

"Do You think they know we're dating?"

Jimin flicks his eyes over to you as he shakes his head, his finger softly tapping on the table.

" and I kind of avoid eachother during bums me out."

You giggle softly as he laces his fingers in yours, his plump lips pouty as you roll your eyes.

"Trust me, it's hard to not do anything during practice."


The boyish grin reappears on his face as he leans forward, your cheeks burning with heat when his lips meet yours.

"Yah! Jimin!"

He smiles wide and gives you and soft wink as he sets a tip on the table, tugging his coat against him.

"Come on Sweetheart, let's go."

You nod softly and lace your fingers with his as you walk out of the small shop, all the heat sucked out of your body again as you whine.


"Well, it IS winter."

You frown softly as him as he chuckles, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"So um...Y/N...."

"Yes Chimchim?"

"Um...we do this...this thing every year...were we set up our Christmas Tree....and ya know....since you're living with us now....would you...wanna help?..."

You smile wide as you lean your arm against his, your body desperate for warmth.

" parents were never one for Christmas...they would just buy me a gift and give it to me unwrapped..."

"Seriously?! We love Christmas in our house! Jin Hyung goes all out, right now I bet he's baking way too many sweets."


"He likes for all of us to drink hot cocoa and eat sweets while we set up the tree, we do it every year."

You sigh softly and smile, your mind whirling with thoughts of Jin mass baking goodies.

"I'm going to get too chubby for my skates if I keep eating like I am."

Jimin tugs you close and lays his face in your hair, his lips brushing your temple.

"So? More for me to love."

You blush softly and look up at him as he gazes into your eyes, his looking like freshly melted milk chocolate.

"Then I'll make sure to get nice and chubby."

He smiles wide and when you get to his car he opens the passenger door for you, relief flooding your senses.

"Oh and I would love to help you guys set up the Tree."

Jimin's smile widens as he gets in the car, starting it up and cranking the heat.

"Good! Now we just have to grab some stuff and go home."

"What stuff?"

"Y/N, you can't possibly set up a tree without a Christmas sweater."

"Oh...does everyone have one?"

Jimin nods and sighs, the odd emotion returning as he looks over at you.

"'s the one time of year we all have fun...even Jungkook lightens up around this's nice...I can actually talk to him..."

I see why this is so important to him..
He actually gets to talk to his brother...

"Well then lets go get that sweater!"

Jimin looks at you and smiles wide, pumping his fist in the air.

"Let's go!"

(A/N): Sorry it's taken me so long, I know I suck. I'll try to finish this story and write more often.

I'm so sorry.

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