Chapter 44

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"Okay! We have everything on the counter! Now let's start cooking!"

You smile wide as you tie the matching pink apron around your waist as Jin holds the ham in his hand, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"We picked out the best ham in that store. I can feel its flavor."

"It's flavor?"

"Yes! Picking the right ham is vital! You have to be able to feel the flavor and perfection."

Wow....he really enjoys cooking...

Your smile is wide as you help him set the ham up, the pan and all the spices perfectly spread across the top.

"Alright, I'm going to the restroom, I'll be back! Watch the stove for when it heats up."

You nod softly and watch him leave, turning your body towards the stove with a smile.

I hope Jimin enjoys my cooking too...

I've never wanted to cook before...but since he enjoys it so much...

I wonder what was wrong this morning....he was so excited to have Christmas but when I left with Jin...he seemed so sad...

"I like your apron."

You jump lightly when you feel Jimin's arms wrap around your body tightly, his head resting on your shoulder.

"O-oh? Um...thank you..."

He smiles sweetly when you turn around and face him, his eyes gazing down into yours intently.

"Is everything Okay?"


You push out your lip in a pout as he smiles, his teeth softly nipping at it.

"I like this look. Maybe I'll stay in the kitchen and watch you cook."


You swat at his hands as he smiles wide, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"The only thing you can do Jimin-ah is get out of my kitchen! You know the rules!"

Jimin's eyes go wide as he takes off, Jin coming around the corner with a broom in his hands.

"The rules?"

"When Jimin was younger he thought it would be funny to egg the whole kitchen. Now he isn't allowed in here."

You smile softly thinking about Jimin as a little boy causing havoc around the house and getting yelled at by Jin.

Silly goose...

"Alright! Let's get to cooking!"



I'm going to kill him.

Your cheeks burn red as you stir the potatoes, Jimin's stare searing through you since he has a perfect line of sight sitting on the couch.

"Y/N-ah we're almost done, go ahead and add more butter."

You nod and try hard to focus, your fingers tenderly unwrapping the package and placing the butter in the bowl.

Just don't look at him.

Don't do it.


Your eyes flick up to meet his warm gaze, his leather jacket about to send you into a heart attack.

He looks so good.

Icy Dreamer |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now