Part 43

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"Hello" is all he said, and he knew. He could sense her. Khushi heard him for the first time after what seemed like eons.. She stood up, she held the phone with both hands to make sure she heard right. She could feel the lump in her throat but she managed a "A a Arnav ji..." her voice was hoarse and brittle, as if she was going to cry any moment.

Time stood still....

Nobody spoke a word. ....

Cherishing the fact they were at each others end..

They could hear each other hearts beating loud. Moments passed and the next thing he heard was a thud and the line went dead.. "KHUSHI" he shouted, and sat with a thump on the sofa with the phone forgotten on the floor. With palms covering his face, fear gripped over him.

What has happened to her? The agony was a torture and at that moment he thought, I should not have let her go at all, that girl cannot look after herself.. I did a mistake.. I did a mistake.. I just hope she is ok..

Unknown to the fact the whole family was stood gaping at him thinking.. "What is going on, why on earth did he shout Khushi" he quickly dialled Kushal's number..

"Kushal Where is Khushi? what happened to Khushi? Is she ok?" Arnav fired questions one after the other even before Kushal could say hello,..

"Woh woh woh... chill ASR, what's happening?" Kushal replied coolly

Arnav replied in a stern voice gritting his teeth, "Kushal where is Khushi?"

"Well she must be downstairs.. we just finished dinner, she wanted to do some of her course work and I came up to my room, I wanted to see the last episode of top gear series (famous car show). She must be down, I will go and check,.. just a min" Kushal got out of his bed, annoyed at being disturbed while watching his favourite series.

However what he saw took the breath out of him, "ASR will call you back" and quickly cut the line.

"Arnav ji what happened? What happened to Khushi? " Payal was quite concerned by now..

"Its all my fault.. She cannot take care." Arnav kept blabbering

"Chote calm down, what happened? What are you talking? Who called?" Anjali asked concerned.

"Di it was Khushi, I don't know what happened, but something has happened to Khushi. " checking his time again, "Now this Kushal, he is not answering or calling, I asked him to check on her, but he said he will call later and hung up. I am sure something is wrong." Arnav again started to get agitated. He kept checking his phone. "Payal get your phone, answer as soon as Kushal calls"

The wait was traumatic. Each passing moment he felt he was loosing his life. all sat around on the sofa waiting for the call. ASR had never thought he would be worried for someone like this. It was not even his Di, Nani or any family member.. Now, it was his second visit to all Khushi's Devi maiyyas temples in his head, begging her to keep Khushi well. I hope she is fine, I hope she is fine, his mind kept chanting the same lines over and over...

After about half an hour, finally, Kushal called. Immediately picking the call "How is Khushi?" ASR asked

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