Chapter: 25

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Aashna's Pov:

The next morning as always I woke up late and now I have to hurry otherwise I will definitely miss the principal's Announcement, which I can not afford to miss. I always try to wake up early but now I have realized that it is not my cup of tea and I can never wake up early. Because sleep is something which is so dear to me and I can't sacrifice it. Sleep over everything!

I went downstairs and ate my breakfast in hurry, something which my mom hates the most. I'm always scolded for eating in hurry but how can I explain to her that I seriously don't have time to sit and enjoy the food.

"Why are you eating like a dog is running behind you.” Mom said and I was not able to control my laugh. I looked at mom still laughing and saw her glaring at me.

"Okay sorry.” I said and kept quite. Don't laugh Aashna! I took a deep breath and started again.

"I'm late mom and I want to reach college on time."I said.

"Late? This not new to me, you are always late. Just look at you, how thin you are and the reason is you don't eat properly.” Mom said.

Thin? I thought that I gained some weight in last 2-3 months. Whatever! Now I have to relax mom other wise I will definitely miss the Announcement.

"I promise mom, I will eat properly. But now you relax.” I said and she nodded. I took my keys and went out. Luckily there was no traffic.

On the way I saw Ruan on his bike. I waved at him saying hi. He waved back but instead of saying hi he gestured me to concentrate on driving. Rude much! We both were driving parallel to each other and then he said hi to me but this time I told him to concentrate on driving.

We were supposed to take left turn to reach our college but he took right turn after saying Bye to me and went away. Where is he going now? He might be having some work, I thought and went to college.

After sometime I reached college and saw Ruan standing there next to Abhimanyu. In fact his whole group expect Aarav, which consists of Ruan, Abhimanyu, Akash, Divya and Anushka were standing there. Where is Aarav? My eyes started searching for him in the campus but he was no where to be seen. I sighed and went towards the place where my group was standing.

"Hi everyone." I greeted them as they did the same expect for Kriya who just came and hugged me and I did the same. It has been full one day since we met and of course it seems like a full one year.

"I have lot of things to tell you.” I said.

"Even I want to say to something.” She said excitedly.

"Please don't start here." Karan interrupted and I just glared at him.

"You can glare at me afterwards but for now let's go to the Announcement hall.” He said and we all made our way towards the hall. I again looked at Aarav's group hoping that he might have came by now but no, he was still not here. Where is he?

We headed to the hall and saw everyone sitting on the seats. All were busy chit chatting that means that no teacher has arrived yet, we also went and got settled. Kriya was next to me and was looking so damn excited. I wonder what she has to tell me?

After ten minutes the teacher's came and made everyone sit still and silent. And then the principal entered with other vice principals. Everyone wished them good morning and they went on the stage. The door was about the close but still there was no sign of Aarav and his group. The principal took the mike and ordered to close the door. Great! Now for more than half and hour I will not be able to see him.

"Good morning everyone.” The principal greeted and we did the same.

"I hope you all are doing well with your studies?” He asked and we all said yes.

"Good. So why not take a small break from your studies.” He said and there was happy glint in everyone's eyes. Everyone seemed to be excited for what he will say next. He further continued,

"Today I'm here to tell you a good news and the news is..."He was about the complete his sentence but was interrupted when someone opened the door. Damn! Who is this who stopped the announcement? I'm so damn excited to hear the good news!

I turned around to look at the person and saw Aarav and his group entering inside. A smile appeared on my face and Kriya quickly signalled me saying that he is here! I smiled at her and again looked at him. Why is he entering so calmly? I mean he interrupted the principals announcement and still he is walking in so calmly. Hats off!

"OH, look who is here.”The principal taunted them.

"Moreover I can never expect your group to be on time.” He taunted again but they all were least bothered of what he was saying. They all got settled and the principal started his speech again.

"And the news is you are having your sports week next month followed by your industrial visit.” He said and everyone cheered.

"Further notice about the same will be displayed on the notice board in a short while. Till then keep practicing.” He said and everyone nodded.

"And to the all coaches and their captains, as per every year this year also I want the university's football trophy to our institute.” he said and I glanced at Aarav and found him smiling. This smile will kill me one day!

The speech ended and the principal left the hall. It was students turn to leave I turned around and saw Aarav leaving. Why so in hurry? I went out and scanned for him but he was not there and went to his classroom but he was not there also. Where did he went?

It was time for my lecture so I decided to meet search for him later. I was walking in the corridor and saw him coming in my direction. We looked at each other and a smile crept his face. Then my eyes went to his hand and saw it wounded. I felt something painful in my heart. Did he had a fight with someone?

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