Chapter : 27

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Aarav's pov:

I lost her!

Maybe it's because I always took her for granted. Right from the start of our relationship until now! I still remember, she was the one who used to say sorry after every fight of ours and I was the one who was always so egoistic.

I never imagined that we will break our paths but it happened when I moved to another college after my graduation. We both were not able to give enough time to each other. It was her final year, she wanted to study and on the other hand I was busy enjoying my life and other stuff. Weekend was the only time we got together but still there used to be some reasons because of which we were not able to meet. It ultimately increased the distance between us and lead to more fights. She used to call me and I always used to ignore them just because I was angry because of the fight we had earlier.

She always wished best for me that's the reason she asked me to study hard but I was too egoistic to listen to her, considering that I know more than her. I was so wrong to think of her as demanding and possessive. The fights we had were mainly on small reason but it always caused to lot of misunderstandings.

I guess I troubled her way too much and that's the reason why she decided to move on. Many times I asked her to stay but I guess she was so determined with her decision. I wish, I should have asked for her forgiveness a little more. If I would have not let her go so easily, I would have been in different situation today.  I would never had to see her with someone.

Everything has ended now. Everything!

Aashna's pov:

Next day I was in my office working on our next tour. It's been three days since I'm working on it and I haven't made any progress. I'm just not able to concentrate in anything. Last night Sid asked me why Aarav was in my cabin and I was confused on what to reply him. I wanted to tell him the truth and was going to do the same but then mom entered my room and I had to keep quiet.

I'm really very much worried for Aarav. I wish I could call and ask him how he is but I just don't have any courage left. I wanted to ask Kriya about him but considering that she is busy with the preparation for her marriage I avoided talking with her. Kriya and Ruan's wedding is the only time when I will be able to see Aarav, till then I just hope that he is ok.

I kept all the thoughts aside and was about to start the work when my phone ranged. The call was from Kriya, so I quickly received it.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi. Did you met Aarav yesterday?" she asked.

"Yes. He came in my office." I replied.

"Then what happened? Did you guys talked?" She asked and I narrated the incident happened.

"Oh on." She said. No doubt She was panicked, her voice clearly said that. But why?

"Is Aarav ok?" I asked her.

"Yes, he is ok. At least that's what his messages said." She replied in a low voice. What messages? What does she mean? I asked her the same and came to know that Aarav didn't went home last night. He just texted Anu that he is busy with some work.

"I wish you guys would have talked yesterday." She said sadly.

"About what?" I asked back.

"I know you already know about his feelings for you but yesterday he was there to confess it. He still loves you Aashna and I know you too love him. I just don't understand what is stopping you from accepting it."

He still loves you. Hearing this sentence caused a tear to slip out of my eye.

"Tell me Aashna. Why are you marrying Siddharth when you don't even love him? What is stopping you from confessing your feelings towards Aarav?" She asked and I broke down.

"I don't know what to do Kriya. I seriously don't know. Mom dad are so happy with the marriage. How can I break their heart? Moreover it's too late now."

"You can't break your heart either Aashna. What about Siddharth? Will you ever be able to love him? Won't it be unfair for him?" She asked but I didn't replied anything.

"Think about it Aashna. Your one decision will change everything. Please think about it." She said and ended the call.

I was confused on what to do but more than that I was happy. Happy to hear that Aarav was here to confess his feelings. Why did Sid had to come at a very inappropriate time?

Later that evening when I went back home I saw siddharth sitting in the living room. Why is he here? He didn't informed me that he will be coming.

"Hi, when did you came?" I asked as I went towards him.

"You don't seem happy to see him here." He replied in a very unusual way.

"Sorry? But I didn't said anything like that."

"We need to talk." He said and dragged me outside the house.

"Sid, what's wrong? Why are you behaving so strangely?" I asked him once we were outside.

"Who is Aarav to you?" He asked directly looking at me and I felt a cold shiver running down my spine. Did he came to know the truth? Please don't let it happen. Please god.

I was about to answer his question but he stopped me by asking the next question.

"Why did you hide it from me Aashna? All this time you kept hiding it from me that your ex is none another than Aarav Deshmukh. Why did you do it?" He asked, this time in anger.

"Please, I can explain." I begged to be heard but he refused it.

"Just answer me one thing. Are you happy with this marriage or you still love him?"

What should I reply? Should I tell him the truth? what about mom dad and their happiness? But what about Aarav?

"Answer me Aashna." he demanded.

"I'm happy with this marriage. I don't love him, not anymore."

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