Chapter : 49

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Aarav's Pov:

I was waiting for Aashna outside the college for past ten minutes but she was not here yet. Today morning she called me and told me to join them as they are planning of going somewhere. And I wished that she comes soon because I have already not attended my lectures for a week and I don't want any of my teachers to see me here.

"Hi.” Aashna said and stood next to me.

"You didn't attended your lectures, right?” She asked narrowing her eyes.


"I already told you not to miss your lectures but you will never listen to me." She said folding her hands and looking in opposite direction.

"I'm sorry. I will attend them from next week promise.” I said and she glanced at me for once.

"Now Smile, please.” I pleaded and immediately a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm forcing you to attend them because....."She was trying to explain her part but I stopped her. I knew she is saying it for me, for my betterment and I don't want any explanations from her.

"I know it's for me."

"Anyway, where are we going?” I asked.

"Even I don't know, they all said to call you and so I did.” She replied pointing towards the most insane friends of mine.

"Hey guys, where are we going?” I asked them.

"Canteen. We are discussing about Aashna birthday party.” Divya replied.

"In front of her?” I asked back immediately. I mean who plans in the front of the person whose birthday we are going to celebrate.

"So what, she already know about it.... There's nothing to hide now.” she replied.

"My birthday planning?” Aashna asked and Divya nodded.

"Why don't you guys join us at his Farmhouse.” Aashna said very casually as if it was not at all a big deal. Busted! Now they will all know about my plan and that I didn't invite them. Great, totally great.

"You are going to his Farmhouse?” Divya asked narrowing her eyes at me and I had no other option than to look side ways.

"Yes, In fact you all should come. We will have fun.” This was something I never wanted Aashna to say but she did! And now I'm the one who has to face the consequences for the same. Now that everyone knows about the plan I'm sure none of them will so say No to it. Because they all love the place where my farmhouse is.

"I guess, he don't want us to come.” Divya said and was about to go from there but I stopped.

"It's nothing like you think, I was going to tell you guys later.” I tried to convince her.

"Anyway, I'm not coming.” She said and snatched her hand back from mine. Now she is angry!

I followed her and finally convinced her to join us. After that we dropped the plan of going to canteen as the birthday plan was already decided. So we decided to go back to our homes.

"Why are you angry?” Aashna asked once we were alone on the road.

"I'm not."I replied.

"You are!"

"You know what, you are a very stupid girl.” I said and she pouted.

"What did I do?” She asked innocently as if she don't know what she has done.

"Actually I want to say you something, see if there are any uncle's and aunties and their children interested to join us, you can also invite them, you know we will have so much fun.” I said and initially she gave me a confused look but then started laughing.

"Why did to tell them about the plan?” I asked.

"You never said that I'm not supposed to do it. And moreover they are our friends we will have more fun.” She replied happily.

"Of course, you will have more fun."

"What's wrong?” She asked pouting again.

"I wanted to spend some quality time with you. Only you! But now that everyone is accompanying us, I'm sure we are going to have a great quality time."I said and she started laughing again. Did I cracked a joke?

"I'm sorry. I'm extremely sorry. I didn't thought about it." She said still laughing. Here I'm pissed off and she wants to laugh.

"Stupid girl.” I said but that made her smile more.

"Anyway, tomorrow be ready on time. I will come to pick you." I said and she nodded. It's her birthday tomorrow and as she wanted to spend some time with her family, I kind of changed the plan and decided that we will head towards the farmhouse by evening so that she will get enough time with her family and other friends.

"Aarav, what's wrong? You are disturbed because of some reason, what is it?” She asked.

"Nothing.” I lied.

"Stop lying and tell me what happened?” She forced me to reply.

"How do you, that something is wrong?” I asked back.

"You know, sometimes you can't hide everything behind a fake smile. Eyes speaks too.” She said acting like she is the smartest person alive in this planet. This the Reason why I consider myself very lucky to have her as my girlfriend, she know everything about me even when I'm lying to her.

"Some family issues.” I replied.

"Anything serious?” She asked.

"No. Don't worry.” I replied. Then I dropped her outside her home.

"Aarav, I wanted to ask you something serious.” She said and I gestured her to continue.

"Do you seriously think that I should call my uncle and aunties?” She asked seriously.

"Please, I will be very happy.” I said sarcastically.

"You are very funny.” She said and pulled my cheeks, she knew I didn't like it but still she loves doing it.

There are only two people who have pulled my cheeks and I didn't stopped them even when I wanted to, one is Aashna and the other is someone I miss so much but don't want her to come back, Sanjana!

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