Chapter : 20

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Aashna's Pov:

"Where is Aarav?” I asked everyone when they returned. It was already evening and everyone was back home except for Aarav.

"He is coming. I'm sure he will reach here anytime soon.” Divya answered.

"But where is he? Why didn't he came with you?" I asked without thinking twice. I knew I sounded desperate but at this moment I don't care about it because for now I was concerned about Aarav.

"Chill girl. She said he will come soon. Actually we met a old lady in the forest whose house was across the small river and she was not able to cross it so Aarav went to drop her, that's It." Abhi answered. If he went with the lady why didn't anyone of you went with him? Why did you leave him alone? Were the questions I wanted to ask them so badly but I knew Aarav being Aarav would have definitely said them to go if they would have asked to stay.

"Don't worry, wait I will call him.” Ruan said and dialled his number.

"Not reachable.” He said and tried again and still the answer was same. By that time I was more scared. Is he alright? God please don't let anything happen to him. Even Abhi tried calling him but still there was same response. I was getting more worried as every minute passed. What if something happened to him? No no Aashna stop thinking negative. He will reach here soon.

We were waiting for him in the front yard when Anushka said that she called him but he didn't received it. Finally there was ray of hope that at least his phone is ringing now. I quickly dialled his number but that idiot still didn't received it.

I was on a verge of crying and everyone knew that. They were going on comforting me but I was just not able to control myself.

"Me and Ruan will go and check where he is, till then you all go and sit inside.” Abhi said. Even I wanted to go with them but they said no and that I should stay here.

They were about to leave the gate when we saw Aarav entering. I don't know what came over me but I just went and hugged him not letting him go anywhere. I know that he was shocked but after few seconds he composed himself and asked me the reason.

"Where were you? And why can't you receive your calls? Do you even know how scared I was? What if something would have happened to you?” I asked and hugged him again still crying. I totally forgot where we are and what others might be thinking.

Finally he hugged me back and ran his hand over the back of my head comforting me.

"Shh... Stop crying. I'm alright. Nothing has happened to me." He said and I slowly broke the hug. He tucked my hair behind my ear holding my face between his hands, even wiping my tears.

"Please stop crying.” He said and I nodded.

"But where were you?” I asked.

"I will answer but tell me why are they all so angry?” He asked and I looked back. I giggled at myself. Aarav you are dead now.

"All the best.” I said and took him to where everyone was standing.

"Where the hell were you?” Everyone asked in unison.

"Chill guys. Why are you all so angry?” he asked ignoring there question. They asked again and came to know that after dropping that lady to her home, he was enjoying a look of her garden.

Seriously man? We were so worried of him and he was enjoying the view of garden. Ruan smacked his head and went inside the house. I know even he was worried as I was. Boys don't show their emotions so easily but it's not that difficult to find them out.

Everyone went back to their room and Aarav was punished that he will prepare everything for the born fire. I was fixing my hair when I noticed Kriya looking at me strangely. I asked her but she just replied that it's nothing.

After that we went down and saw the born fine was already set but some very good sitting and drinking arrangements. The chairs and blankets were ok but I was confused on how he managed to get this drinks from? I went and asked him about the same.

"Unlike you, I'm smart.” He replied me with wink. Arrogant much! I was about to go and sit beside Kriya but then I saw Ruan coming towards her, so I let them have their time and sat opposite of them. As expected Anushka hated the fact that everyone is going to drink except her. It was so sweet of Aarav that he made her orange juice. I don't drink much but then again I don't find any harm in drinking some days.

I was shocked when Aarav came and sat beside me but I was even happy. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was watching him continuously trying to imitate his actions. The way he was holding his drink, the way he smiled, the way he folded the sleeves of his shirt, it was just so beautiful to watch.

I had my time of life that night. We went on playing, talking, joking and I don't know what. The moment now is exactly my definition of being happy. I want to be this way forever!

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