Broken and stitched// Sweetpea

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"What the hell Jug!" You said storming in the Blue and Gold office. You caught Jughead and Betty mid-kiss. "Y/N-" Jughead started. "Is this why you're acting so weird!? Cheating on me with Betty Cooper of all people. I can't believe you would stoop that low." You crossed your arms.

"Yeah it is and thanks for the concern." Jughead shot back with confident sarcasm as your tears formed. "I thought you loved me." You said as they threatened to spill. "Well I lost interest." He said you looked at Betty. She looked down as you looked back at Jug. "Face it Y/N, we're done. I've moved on. You should leave." Jughead pointed at the door. You scoffed as you turned to leave.


You stormed into his trailer, packing your clothes and things into your backpack as fast as you could. You slammed the door as you ran down the steps. You went over to the Drive-In. There's no where else for you to live now so you resorted to your last place to go.

You step up your small bed and unpacked your backpack. Sitting on your bed, you started to cry again. Why would your boyfriend of five months just lose interest. He just threw you out like trash, an object. Your tears led yourself to into a deep sleep.

It had been three weeks since Jughead threw you out. Cheryl being Cheryl set off a rumor that you slept around the football team which made all of your friends turn so now you were all alone and quickly growing more depressed.

The serpents were coming to Riverdale High and you didn't want to deal with that but you dragged yourself to school anyway. Avoiding eye contact with everyone, you heard continuous whispers that never stopped.

You heard a pack of boys walking down the hall, you caught the eye of a tall, rough looking boy that was wearing a serpent jacket as they paraded by. You slammed your locker shut as you trudged to your next class.

As you usual you stared out the window, not taking notes or paying attention. The whole morning was a blur until you went to the lunch room to get your normal food.

As you walked in you see everyone looking at you and turning back to their table. You made eye contact with Kevin and the core four as they turned back to talk about who knows what.

"Well well well, if it isn't Y/N." You heard a familiar voice. You sighed turning around, "What do you want Cheryl?"

"To have you leave this school. Sleeping around with Chuck Clayton and the entire football team is really disgraceful. I'm surprised you don't have a sexually transmitted disease yet." She crossed her arms and looked you up and down. "That's because I didn't sleep with them." You crossing you arms back.

"Whatever you say, Y/N. I bet you'll sleep with all of the Serpents next." She said. "Could if I wanted to," I shot back.

She looked down at you and rolled her eyes. "At least I don't have drunk parents who kicked me out and I'm now living in the streets of Riverdale." She regained her comments to make you sound worthless. You both barely noticed the crowd forming around you two in the middle of the lunchroom.

"AT LEAST MY DAD DIDN'T KILL MY TWIN BROTHER AND MY MOTHER IS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH HER BROTHER-IN-LAW." You shouted as you suddenly felt strong hands grab hold of you a pull you into an empty classroom.

"What the hell Jug!" You said turning around to see your newly ex boyfriend. "Y/N what were you doing." He said. "Hiving Cheryl a taste of her own medicine, she can't be the only one going around doing that." You responded.

"Not like that." He said angrily. "Why Jug. Why do you even care." You said harshly. "I want you back." He mumbled. You scoffed, "Really Jughead." You raised your eyebrows, "After I catch you mid kiss with little Miss Perfect, Betty Cooper. After you said you lost interest. After you threw me away like trash, an object. After I wasted my time, energy, and tears. No Jug we're done and there's nothing you can do." You walked past Jug who had a few tears falling down his face.

As you left the classroom, a couple tears fell and you wiped them away. "Hey Princess. What's wrong?" You hear a voice calling you. You turn around to see the rough looking Serpent. "Nothing just Jughead being an ass." You said knowing he would know who that was. "Wait FP Jones's kid?" He asked. You nodded as you look up at him.

"What's your name Princess?" The boy asked. "Y/N." You answered. "Sweetpea." He responded. You nodded. "What did the Jones kid do now?" He asked. "Oh you know, normal Serpent crap. Cheating on his girlfriend and asking her back." You said half sarcastically.

"That's not what we do, that's some middle school type bullshit. He's going to regret this." Sweetpea turned around. "Sweetpea," you grabbed his wrist causing him to look into your watery eyes. "Don't make this worse." You said.

"Fine." He said at last. "But for your sake." He said softly. "Thank you." You whispered to which he smiled. The bell went off, signaling the period was over.

As the weeks went on, you and Sweetpea had become close. Hanging out at his trailer and trips to Sweetwater River, gave perfect time for you two to get to know each other. Over the next several weeks, you began to date and even eventually moved in with Sweetpea.

As you both were sitting in the student lounge during free period, your legs rested on Sweetpea's lap as you filled out the complicated paper. Sweetpea chose to avoid his and instead watch you as you scribbled away.

"How can you do that?" Sweetpea asked suddenly. You looked up, "Do what?" You ask smiling. "Homework, any school work." He said. You laughed, "One of us has to get to college Pea." He laughed in return.

"Are actually trying to make me jealous Y/N!?" Jughead barged in with Fangs following behind. You looked up suddenly shocked. "What the flip Jug where did you come from!?" You exclaimed. "His mom." Sweetpea said under his breath, resulting in a swat from you and a smile.

"No this." Jug pointed at you two. "Ok, what the hell man!?" Sweetpea stood up. "Pea stop." You stood next him. "Ok I'm sorry are we not allowed to have PDA unlike you and Betty!?" You asked, clearly annoyed. His face twisted at the mention of Betty Cooper. He said nothing and just stormed out, leaving an awkward Fangs behind.

"What the hell was that Fangs?" You asked taking a deep exhale once he left. "Betty broke up with him during lunch so he's in a mood." He said. "Oh ok. Thanks Fangs." You said, he nodded and went to catch up to Jug. "Y/N?" You heard Sweetpea ask.

You turned to see your boyfriend as you locked eyes. "I love you." He said. You smiled, "I love you too." You said as you both shared a kiss.

"Get a room you nastys." You hear Cheryl say behind you. "OH MY GOSH CHERYL FOR ONCE IN YOUR WASTED LIFE SHUT THE HELL UP! IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVEN'T WALKED IN ON YOU AND TONI MAKING OUT IN THE BATHROOM BEFORE!" You shouted as you turned to look at her. She scoffed and left as you turned back to Sweetpea, "Has anyone ever told you you're a badass?" He asked smiling. You laughed in return, "Yep you have." You said resulting in him laughing back.

*Hey Squad! I have finally finished this chapter! This was requested by @chanelypop. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to leave a request and vote. Dm me requests #nosmut. X

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