New Beginnings// Jughead

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It was Jughead Jones' first novel that started the most excited adventure of his life. He found a publisher in New York City and his book exploded from there. We decided to move to NYC to be closer and to help his work.

Moving from Riverdale would be hard for both of you but a happy factor is that Veronica and Archie are already living there for Veronica's work as well. A couple years ago she started her fashion line, Andrews Line of Fashion.


"Jug, are you ready?" I asked softly. He stood in the living room of his dad's trailer. "Yeah," He responded looking around. I walked up behind him and pulled him into a hug. "I grew up here Y/N/N, I don't know if I can leave," He whispered as his eyes watered.

"Hey look at me," I said cupping his face, "You have worked so hard for this. You've dreamed of this since you were 12. I'm going to be with you every step through your career and through life. I love you ok." I assured. He sighed, "I love you too." He said as he gave me a kiss.

"Now come on, let's go start our new life," I say taking his hand as we walked out. We got in our car as he let out a shaky breath. "Hey," I said turning to look at him. "We got this." "We got this." He repeated as he held my hand and started the car.

I pulled the gray fluffy blanket over my lap as I snuggled into the passenger seat, still holding Jug's hand. "What are you most excited for?" I asked. He thought for a moment, "Finding our the best burger joints." Jughead joked. I laughed, of course my food loving husband would say that.

"No with your work," I specified. "I guess to keep writing. I don't really know what to say except it's going to be a great experience for both of us, maybe your photography could grow too." He said looking over at me.

I laughed, "I doubt it but I guess we'll see. It's mainly just a hobby right now, I'm not making much." "No Y/N/N you have serious talent. New York City is a big city. I'm sure you can find a place." Jug said. "Thanks Juggie but NYC is so competitive I don't see it working out. You on the other hand will be the next NY Times bestseller." I said as he laughed.

"I'm not that good but I'm glad you think highly of me Y/N/N." He said kissing my hand. I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Someone's gotta." I replied as I settled to fall asleep.



I pulled into McDonald's after about 3 hours of driving. Y/N had woken up about an hour ago and was jamming out to Sleeping with Sirens which was adorable having a small human head bang violently to Better off Dead.

"Food?" I asked as we parked. "Um yeah, why did we come if not for food?" She replied. I smiled, "To go play on the playground of course." I teased. She laughed, "No yeah I need food." We walked inside and placed our order.

"Let's sit in a booth." She says sitting down as I carried the tray over and handed her her food. "You look so cute right now," I said looking at her. Sweatshirt, messy ponytail, and strawberry mango smoothie gave her this beautiful aesthetic I find rare in people.

She threw a fry at me, "Only you Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third would think I look cute in a time like this." She laughed as we continued to eat and talk about NYC.

"How much longer?" She asked as we got to the car. "A few hours, what are you going to do?" I asked her. "Continue giving myself a seizure and maybe a concussion." She said, referring to listening to SWS. "Ok then." I pulled out into the highway while If You Can't Hang started to play. Let's do this.

Hey squad! Here's a lil filler while I write my new request. Don't forget to vote and dm your requests #Nosmut Ok byeeeeeee X

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