Secret Love// Sweetpea

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What up I'm Y/N, I'm 17...and I never learned how to read. Just kidding but I'm Y/N Jones, Jughead Jones's twin sister and daughter to the one and only FP Jones. I've been a serpent for 4 years and dating another serpent named Sweetpea, secretly, for 1 year today. Jughead hates him for some dumb reason back in second grade I can't even remember, however, if you ask him, he'll go on for hours. So it's just better not to tell him, or my dad, they're thick as thieves ever since our mom left with our baby sister, Jellybean.

One night, while Jug was on a date with Betty, my dad decided to take an extra shift at Pop's. Prolly to spy on him, but we're also getting behind on rent. Since I'd be home a few hours alone, I decided to call Sweetpea over, "Are you sure they'll be gone for a while?" He asked through the phone. I sighed, "Yes I promise, dad told me he'll be home in a few hours, enough time for a movie. Please? It's our 1 year anniversary and I don't want to spend it alone," I explained. "Alright, I'll be there in a few," He told me as I heard his motorcycle start.

I brought some blankets to the couch and started to pop the popcorn, "I'm here!" I heard him call as he came through the door. "Hi, baby!" I called over the air popper, "Chocolate or butter?" I asked as he kissed me. "Butter," He responded as I turned the popper off. I finished preparing it as I sat next to him on the couch. "Which movie are we watching?" He asked, shoving a handful in. I laughed, "Hey! Savor it, we're running low on butter." "Alright alright," He laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "The first movie we saw together," I told him as he immediately queued it up. It was Y/F/M, I made him watch it with me at the Drive-in on our first date.

I was half asleep has the movie's credit's started to play, "Y/N/N," He softly spoke, kissing my forehead and shaking me awake. I stirred, "No thank you." "I gotta get home before Jughead and your dad get home," He says standing up and going for the door. "Wait," I told him, standing up and rubbing my eyes, "Kiss." He kissed me and smiled before opening the door.

"What's this?" None other than my dad was standing at the door, face turning red. "Dad?" I asked, "You're home early." "What. The hell. Is going on," He stated, walking through the door. I stood in front of Sweetpea, "We were just watching a movie," I explained. "Really? Are you sure I wasn't watching it? I saw some kissing and I don't remember any of you being actors," He commented. "Sir-" Sweetpea started. "No," I told him, putting a hand up. "WHY IS HE HERE!?" My dad yelled making us both jump, "HE'S HERE BECAUSE TODAY IS OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY AND I WANTED TO WATCH THE FIRST MOVIE WE SAW TOGETHER BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" I yelled back.

The room went silent. Shit, that's the first time I said I loved him. I felt his eyes staring down on me as my dad and I were having a staring contest. "You...Love...Him," He slowly spoke. I exhaled, not daring to look at Sweetpea, "Yes." "I don't even know how to respond to that," My dad replied. "Then don't," I say as I take Sweetpea's hand and walk out the door. We walked to Sweetpea's trailer, not saying anything. I think we were both shocked that I just said that. "So, you love me?" He asked, breaking the silence. I finally looked at him, his eyes were sparkling and a smile danced on his lips,  "Yes I love you," I responded. We laughed as we kissed, "What's Jug gonna say?" He asked.

I closed my eyes, I didn't want to think about this and that's what I told him. "He's gonna find out eventually," He responded. "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it," I tell him. "Alright night Y/N/N," He kissed my forehead. "Night," I smiled as I walked down the steps and back toward my house.



"Why the hell aren't you talking to Y/N/N?" My best friend Toni asked as she sat next to me at the Wyrm. "I think you know why," I state blankly as I downed a shot. "I think you need to stop being petty, he only took your place of line leader once," She told me.  "Wow Tones, that was inspiring," I say as she sighs. "Thanks, come to my Ted talk next week on my speech about letting your twin sister do what she wants," She downed my next one. I groaned in response, "Why?" I questioned. "Because it's not your life, and they love each other. You didn't see her resent you for dating a Northside Princess," Toni explained to me. "I'll apologize to get you off my back," I replied as I stood up. "You'll get me off your back when you apologize and leave them alone!" She calls as I walk away.


Now that Jug knew, Sweetpea and I openly hung out. "So the Drive-in is having a back to back Fast and Furious marathon and we should go," He told me as we sat on the bleachers after school. "Oh really? I've never seen any of those," I responded. "You've never seen Fast and Furious!?" He exclaimed, "We're going." I laughed, "Ok." I saw Jughead approaching us and we quieted. You could feel the aura or vibe or whatever immediately change. "Hey, so Toni talked to me," He looked at the ground, "I'm sorry for how petty and rude I was." I smiled, "Thanks Jug." "Thanks man," Sweetpea added. "Thanks, guys, that was painful, so I'm gonna go work my shift at the Wyrm and see ya'll around," He told us. We watched him walk away and started to laugh as we knew that tore him up.

*Hey y'all this request was by @dhjkshdkjsd tysm! I felt like I wrote the end of the oneshot was a little dry but I hope it was what you wanted! Don't forget to vote and dm your requests, thx for reading! X

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