Our Girls//Fangs

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You woke up with bright lights shining through the window in yours and Fangs's room. You've been married four years and both lived in a double wide box in Sunnyside Trailer Park. You also have beautiful twins, Mia and Katie Fogarty who are three years old .

You lay in silence listening to the birds chirping and your husband's soft snores. You got ready for the day and looked back at Fangs, smiling while you thought of an idea on how to wake him up. Sneaking out of bedroom and tiptoeing to the twins's room, you found them both awake. "Mommy!" You heard little Mia squeal. You smiled and put your finger to your lips. "Shh we're going to wake up Daddy." You say as you guided them out of their room.

You three stood in your doorway as you whispered, "Go hop on the bed." The girls run to your bed and hopped on. They started jumping around, waking up Fangs who laughed and pulled them down as they giggled. "What are you sillies doing up." He said as he tickled them. "Mommy got us up!" Katie squealed through laughter.

He laughed in return as he looked at you. You smile as you look at the girls. "Come on girls let's get breakfast." You say. "Wafflesssss!!!" They yell at the same time. You laughed as they ran out of the room with Fangs walking behind. "Morning babe." You say as you kissed. He hugged you as you hugged back. "Let's go back to bed." He said into your neck.

You laughed, "Someone has to feed our girls." He smiled, "Fine." You pulled away and kissed again, "Can you put on Paw Patrol for them while I make the waffles?" You asked. "Alright." He says as he walked to the small living room.

You poured the batter into the waffle maker as Katie waddled over, "Mommy what doing today?" She asked. You turned and squatted in front of her. "Well Princess Kate, What do you think about playing with your chalk outside?" You asked. "Yeah!" She exclaimed. You laughed, "Ok but you have to eat and get dressed first." You say as she ran back to the couch where Fangs sat with Mia.

"Breakfast!" You called 10 min later. You had set out the waffles, syrup, and whipped cream (The girls's favorite). "Ok girls!" Fangs said picking them both up and taking them to wash your hands. You tore up a waffle for each girl as they came back. "All clean! All clean!" Mia ran in with Katie as she waved her hands around.

You laughed, "Ok girls, eat up then I can teach you a cool chalk trick!" You said as you and Fangs strapped them into their seats. Breakfast went by a little quicker than normal. Fangs stayed behind to clean up as you went to get the girls ready.

"I want to wear my princess dress today!" Katie said holding up her Cinderella dress. "I don't think you want to be cleaning today Katie." You laughed. "Here let's wear your pink overalls and Mia can wear her purple ones." You said pulling them out. "Ok." Katie said giving in. You buttoned them up and braided their hair with matching ribbons.

"Well don't my three princesses look pretty today." Fangs said as you walked them out to the living room. Mia and Katie laughed as they ran to give him hugs. "What's daddy doing today?" You asked. "Well." He said, looking at the girls, "Daddy's going to clean so his favorite girls can have fun." Katie and Mia giggled. "Alright girls lets go outside." You said taking their chalk from by the door.

You lead the girls to a place with concrete near the house. "Ok I'm going to make a patch of chalk," you say taking a pink stick of chalk and making a box of solid, vivid pink. "Wait Mia!" You said laughing. She tried putting her hand in it, you finished the box then demonstrated.

You put your hand in the chalk and rubbed it around, making sure you covered your whole hand, "Now, high five the ground!" You said slapping the ground, leaving a pink handprint. The girls looked amazed. "Can I do it Mommy!?" Katie asked with excitement.

"Yep, just put your hand like this." You said taking her hand and putting it in the chalk, "and high five the ground!" You said as she hit the ground next to your handprint. "Wait I want to do it!" Mia chimes in. "Ok Mia do what Katie did." You said smiling.

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