Jealous// Fangs

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It was another popular night at the Wyrm, I mean, it's Friday night like everyone's there. Anyway, all of my friends were there including Toni, Jughead, and Sweetpea.

Fangs is here too but I don't know what to call us, we were friends with benefits for a while, then dated, then broke up. I guess we talk enough to be friends but we do everything to piss each other off. Enough about him, I have a pool game to win consisting of well, Toni Sweetpea, Fangs, and me.

"Damn Eve if you keep beating me I'm going to be broke!" Sweetpea exclaimed as I finished the game off. "Lol hand it over loser," I say holding out my hand for his $50. He reluctantly pulled it out of his pocket and I handed back a 25 I got in the previous game. "I know you got a mom," I say.

"Oh, thanks Eve," Sweetpea winks. I see Fangs roll his eyes through my peripherals which made me smile. We suggest another game that Fangs ops out of, making us force Jug off of Betty for 20 min to take his place.

I started off strong then Toni picked up her points quickly, making her win in less time than I did. "Let's go Topaz. This is my game not yours to win," I say handing her a 50 as everyone else cashed in their money. She laughed, "Sorry to break your losing streak Eve,"


If Eve can flirt with Sweetpea in front of me then I have the complete liberty to do it with someone too. I go to the bar and order my usual as a new serpent sits next to me, "So you're Fangs right?" She asks flirtatiously. "Um yeah, who are you?" I ask, goin with this one I guess.

"I'm Audrey, I joined a couple weeks ago," Audrey says as her drink comes. "Question," I say as I see Eve sit on the couch with her phone, "Want to make out?" I say turning back to her. "Hell yeah," She says like it was the reason she came over.

EVE POV (sorry for all the changes)

I hear little moans come from the bar and look to see Fangs being straddled on a stool by this newbie. I roll my eyes and get up to use the restroom, "Let's go somewhere more private," I hear him say as I walk away and flick my black hair back.

I lock myself in the restroom and use it while thinking about what we're doing to each other. Making each other jealous like children, but I wasn't going to let him win this because Eve is no quitter.

I wash my hands and smiled knowing my next move. I could hear how they moved to the bathroom areas in purpose. It's like we're playing chess. I opened the door hard enough to make Audrey fall and Fangs stumble against the wall.

"Omg I'm so sorry did I interrupt the spawning of children? Don't mind me I was just using the restroom," I say walking away happily. I heard Fangs brush off the serpent as I went to find Sweetpea, "Eve do you want to pla-," I cut him off, "Do this until I say stop," I instructed.

I started to make out with Sweetpea which he clearly enjoyed. He pushed me against as he moved down to my neck. I see Fangs's face twist and tear up as he tugs on his hair and storms out.

"Ok Sweetpea thank you," I moved away from him, "Anytime Eve," He said breathless. "No that was to make Fangs jealous, just friends," I corrected. "That's what you and Fangs were before this," Sweetpea responded. "We'll deal with this later bye," I walked away.


I was so frustrated, I tried but she tried harder and she really knows what to do to push my buttons. I gripped my hair as I felt tears coming to my eyes, this took way too much energy. It's like we were playing chess with each other's feelings. For what outcome too? What were we expecting to happen? I give up. I walk outside to let myself collect them I'll go back inside. I sit on the side of the sidewalk and regain proper breathing.

"Checkmate bitch," I hear behind me. "Eve," I start. "What's the point of this?" She asks, looking at me with her brown eyes. I sighed looking out towards the parking lot, "I don't know," I say.

"Fighting like children with no end is a stupid way to live. It's tiring for us and probably tiring for everyone else watching us," Eve explains. I nod, "Can we stop then? I don't know what else to say or do just to stop," I ask.

"Ok, we're even and we won't try to make each other jealous," She says.

We seal it with a hug and head back inside with weights lifted both of our shoulders.

This was for @onyzsoul!!Don't forget to vote and dm your requests #nosmut 😆 Enemies part two should be out soon, I have camp in a couple days for a week and won't get my phone. I might try to get it out but I'm visiting family for a couple days before camp so highly unlikely. X

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