Messy Love//Sweetpea

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Growing up on the Northside typically means you live the lavish lifestyle. You have good friends, money, and if you're lucky, you could be popular, or friends with the popular kids. Seeing that I grew up next to Betty Cooper and a house away from Archie Andrews, it's safe to say I had all four.

When you're out of high school the popular kids don't really matter anymore. Most move away so you don't have to deal with their annoying, entitled asses but some stay. Not saying that my best friend Betty Cooper is an ass, even though she can be.

A few years after high school, she and her husband Jughead decided to set me up with one of his friends on a double date with him, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared who he was gonna send.

Betty came over a couple hours before to get me ready, "At least tell me his name Betts," I begged as she brushed my hair as her 2 year old daughter Sophie, watched cartoons. She laughed, "No because I know you'll stalk him and you have to find everything out through him and not the dark web." She said dramatically. "Oh so he's a criminal," I raised my eyebrow. "Noo I'm saying not to look anything up before, now, straight or curled?" She asked looking at my face, "Straight," she decided, "it's coffee not a gala."

"Beautiful comparison but if it's coffee I don't know why we're spending all this time on my looks." I rolled my eyes. "It's exciting plus I haven't dressed anyone except myself since high school so it's fun." She said.

"Glad I can be your Barbie but it's one date and probably won't go anywhere," I state. She sighed, "Ok one thing I will say, that you probably wouldn't find out from the first talk with him, is that he's good with kids, adores Sophie so that's one thing you have in common. Actually babysits her sometimes right Soph?" Betty asked her.

"Sweetpea here?" She asked looking up from her Cheerios and Curious George. I laughed, "His name is Sweetpea!??" "No no no," Betty exclaimed. "Bettyyy." I drew out. She sighed, "Ok fine yes his name is Sweetpea."

"Very intriguing," I said. "Also he's kind of her godfather." Betty said. "Wait is this why we're set up!? Bc im already her godmother?? Is this the real reason?" I ask. Betty's phone dinged, "Oh the boys are on their way there so we should go." She said ignoring the question.

"Sophie, Toni's in the other room making a snack for you. I love you and daddy and I will be back in a few hours." "Okie mommy," she said, not looking up.


"So you're Sweetpea?" I asked as we all sat down. He sighed, clearly not liking his name. "Yea." I laughed, "Let me guess, sweet as a pea?" "Some might say," he said going along with it. "So what do you do?" I asked, drinking from my coke. "I'm a reporter for The Sun." He responded.

"I work for The World!" I exclaimed. "Your boss tried to exploit mine and take ours out of business!" I said started to get angry. "Y/N hold on this is all you know about him, it's not his control get to know him." Jughead said uncomfortable with the air I created.

"Well I don't know how much I need to know if he can stand working at that nightmare of an environment." I spat, "My history at The Sun is not something I want to get into, least of all falling for a guy who works there." I stormed out, leaving the three behind.

I left, I'm not open to having a relationship with someone who's working for my competing News office. I went home furious at Betty and Jughead, they know how I almost lost my job and everything I had and here they had the audacity to set me up with him.

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