New Beginnings pt 5

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We arrived home the next day exhausted. All we did for two days was watching and reading the interview and its critiques. "Oh goodness, you can see the fear in my eyes," Jughead joked as he watched him tense on camera. "Aww, it's not that bad," I assured him. "It's embarrassing," He responded, pulling the covers over his face. "It was your first interview," I pulled them back down.

I met his gorgeous green eyes and smiled. "I love you," He smiled back. "I love you too," I replied. He leaned up and kissed me as someone knocked on the door. He sighed, closing his eyes as I laughed. "I'll get it," He says, pulling on a shirt on. He left the room as I rolled out of bed and grabbed a tank top.

"What was that?" I asked as he shut the door, "Lexi invited us over for dinner tonight," He answered. "Jug having dinner with Reggie would be hell! Do we have to go?" I expressed. "I think we should go, it's just dinner," He explained. "Yea dinner with comments and 'jokes'," I grumbled as he slowly walked toward me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed as I hugged him. "Please let's just do dinner tonight," Jug said softly. I closed my eyes, "Alright fine."

"Thank you," Jughead pulled away, "Now I think we were about here," He says as he kisses me again. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, "I think we were," I respond as he picks me up, leading me to the bed.


"Hi! Welcome to our lovely little home," Lexi greets. The apartment is filled with the aroma of salmon and green beans, I gagged at the smell. "Thank you for having us!" Jug answered smiling as I gave a convincing smile. "I'll show you the living room," She says as she starts to walk. "Juggie, salmon," I whisper frantically, walking along. "I know baby I know," He responds.

They sit for a little bit and learn some more about each other. "Ah! Y/N and Jughead, long time no see," You hear the fateful voice of Reggie Mantle. I kept my plastered smile on, "Yes it has Reg," I acknowledged begrudgingly. "Well, dinner's ready if y'all want to come to the table." He had a secret smile hiding behind his welcoming one. Jug, Lexi, and I went to the dining room and sat down in front of salmon, green beans, and potatoes. "Looks good Reggie," Jughead spoke as he dished it all out.

"So how's the book writing going Forsythe?" Reg asked as they began to eat. "Good, actually it's released now. We just came back from a press conference," He responded. "Oh, that's great," He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Y/N, you haven't touched your salmon, something wrong with it?" He questioned tauntingly. "I uh, I'm still a vegetarian Reg," I hesitantly replied. "Oh no I'm sorry," He put a hand to his chest, "Can you be a pescatarian for tonight?"

I can't believe he just asked that. "Unfortunately no," I smiled back. "Reg why would you ask that?" Lexi scolded. "Relax babe I was just joking," He answered her. "Excuse me," I say standing up, feeling nauseous. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked. "Down the hall," Lexi gave a sympathetic smile. I rushed to it and immediately threw up in the toilet. I sighed, leaning against the tub. I caught my breath, wiped my face, and rinsed my mouth. I can't believe he did this and on purpose too.

I walked back out with a smile on my face to see Reg with a small smirk. "You ok?" Lexi asked as I sat down, "Yes, sorry about that," I say as I sit back down. "Don't apologize it's all quite alright," She responds. "So Reg, I'm surprised you live here if you're racking up bank as their star quarterback." Jug shoots. "You too with your income," He shot back. Ok I wasn't about to sit through all of this, "Thank you for dinner," I say standing up and taking Jug's hand before I dragged him out and back to our place.

What a night I knew would be destroyed and it was.

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