Cheater and Lover//Sweetpea

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I'm sorry in advance for this trash oneshot. Writers' block hit hard so let's get this bread.

Warning: cussing


I walked into my best friend's house and flopped onto the couch. "Well hello Y/N/N," Fangs said emerging from his room. "Hi," I say flopping over. "What's going on?" He asks sitting on the couch. I sighed, "I'm cheating on Reggie with Sweetpea and I don't know how to break up with Reg so I feel like crap bc I don't know what to do."

"Just tell him you lost feelings for him," Fangs shrugged, "Tell him why you're breaking up." I rubbed my face, "If it were only that easy."



"Y/N why are you so quiet today?" Reggie asks while I walked down the hall with him and the rest of the Bulldogs, "I guess I'm just tired," I say completely dodging the fact I was just supposed to break up with him. He shakes it off and starts talking with the other Bulldogs about some new girls.

I walked into Chemistry and put my head on the table. "Y/N/N, you okay?" Sweetpea asks putting his hand on my knee under the lab counter. "Pea no stop," I say harsher then I meant to. "Woah," He says retracting.

I close my eyes, "Sorry that was meaner than I meant. I'm just having a crappy day, I'm supposed to be breaking up with Reggie." "Oh my, well I do think it's the right idea," Sweetpea said. I sighed and laid my head on the table, "Yeah I know."


I wiped down the counter of Pops as I got a call from Toni, "Hey T what's up?" I ask. "Y/N/N you've got to get here now. Reggie's looking for a fight," She said panicky. I froze, I had broken up with him after lunch and he must've gotten a whiff that it was because of a Serpent. "I'm on my way," I say racing onto my motorcycle.

I arrived at the Wyrm and hopped off my motorcycle faster than Usain Bolt could. "Reg what the hell are you doing here!?" I yell as I see him harassing Sweetpea and Fangs. "Oh hey Y/N, you're time to see your boyfriend die," He smirks, pointing at Fangs."Calm your shit Reg, Fangs is my best friend I'm not dating him." I cross my arms. "A little bird told me you were dating a serpent, I've seen you hanging around this trash for a while, want to explain?" Reggie asks. "I. just. did." I growl.

"Serpent slut." He says which causes Sweetpea to stand up from the couch. "The hell you just said Bulldog!?" He punched him square in the face, making Reg fall to the ground. (CriNgE I'm sorry)"IF YOU FUCKING CARE, I'M DATING HER. YOU DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT HER AFTER CHEATING ON HER TWICE SO GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!" He yells while punching Reggie over and over.

"Sweetpea stop!" I exclaim as Fangs and Jughead pull him back. "Pea what the hell!?" I say as I pull him out of the bar. "What was that!?" "Y/N/N I couldn't just let him talk crap about you like that," He says. "Yea but that was way too excessive," I exclaim. "I love you ok!? I can't let him do that to you!" Sweetpea exclaims.

I froze, we've never said 'I love you' before. "You love me?" I ask in shock. "Yeah Y/N/N, I do an-," I cut him off by kissing him. He blinks a couple of times which makes me smile, "I love you too Pea but there are boundaries about protection, promise this won't happen again." I say. He sighs, "I promise."

Hey squaddd, long time no see. Writers' block is a bitch. I'm sorry for this literal cringe of a oneshot but pls vote and don't forget to dm requests #NosmutXD. Ok byeeeeee X

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