Pt19: I got a better idea

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Your pov

I dont know if i should go home. I dont know where to go. Then i suddenly get a text. Its from Elijah (bell)


You should hang out with us today.

Sure. Where to?

Just our house.

Okay. ill be over soon.


I arrive at the twins house. All was well till isaac noticed something was wrong.
"Whats goin on wit cha?" Issac said gesturing to me.
"Nothing." I try to shrug it off.
"No seriously, whats wrong?" Elijah chimed in.
"Well, I've recently been seeing someone. Well two people actually."
"Who?" They say at the same time.
"The Eilish twins. Anyways on-"
"Oh for real? Thats my home girl! I didn't know y'all were talking. Continue." Isaac says.
"Well, Wil invited me over today and-."

I proceeded to tell them everything that happened.

"Damn." They both say.
"Do they know about this?" Eli asked.
"Nah. Ive only told you guys. No one else."
"You should call them and tell them what happened." Ib said.
"I don't know. I don't know if they set me up, or if it was a joke or what."
"Well, talk to them about it." Says ib.
"Yeah, just like, meet up with them both so you can tell them what happened at the same time." Eli smiles.
"Ill do it tomorrow." I say, still not sure about telling them yet.

~ The next day ~

I had called up Billie and told her and Wil to come to my house.

"Hey whats up mamas." Billie says as she hugs me.
"Hi Bil."
"Yo hows it going?" Wil says as she hugs me.
"Im cool. But theres something i want to tell you guys."
"Whats goin on?" Billie says as she sits on the couch. Wil sits next to her and i sit across from them.

I tell them everything that happened from the text to me speeding off.

"I didn't send you that text. He asked to use my phone cuz his was dead and i said sure. I didn't even know it was him." Wil explains.
"Its all cool though. I mean... im safe" i say.
"Okay but what if you didn't get to leave? What if he actually did something to you? Fuck 12 but you... WE should report him to the police." Says Billie.
"Yeah we could report him. But i got a better idea." Says Wil with a smirk on her face. I stare at them.
"Please don't do anything to get yourselves in trouble." I say.
"Dont worry about a thing babygirl." Willie says to me and winks.

Willies pov

This boy has got a lot of trouble coming his way.

Me and Billie tell y/n that we will be back. We go back to our house and tell Finneas to call Rock-o over for some lessons.

We get set up before he arrives. Billie calls some of her guy friends.

We leave the door unlocked.

About 20 mins later, we hear knocking. He knocks again and no one answers. He knocks a few more times then we hear a muffled "im coming in" and he enters.

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