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I heard a thump.

Killua fell on the ground.

" KILLUA!!!!!! " I screamed as my voice crack.

" AHAHAHAHA!! " Retz laughed hysterically.

Retz looked at me as I just stared at her frozen in anger.

" I'll kill you! I'll kill you for this Retz!!! I'll never let any of you get away!!! I'll kill you!!! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!!!" My tears fell as I kept saying I'll kill you.

" Oh can you? " Retz said as she licks the gun.

I looked at Killua. 

" Killua! Babe! Please. Don't! Babe. Don't leave me. Killua!! " I pleaded hoping he could hear me.

He didn't move.

" No. " I softly said. Almost a whisper.

No. Killua!!

I felt the tears dripped faster.

No. Why?!


What did we do to deserve this?!

Fuck! I can't do anything!!

Fuck it!!

Fuck it!!

" Hahaha awww that's so sad Gon? You crying??! "

" Kill me. "

" What? "

" Fuck!! Kill me!!! "

" What? No! "

" Doesn't matter I'll just kill myself. "

I held my breath.

I'll kill myself.

Right here right now!

There's no point in living anymore!

" Wait what?! No don't do that!! "

Retz rushed to me.

" Don't do that Gon! You have to live. "

" Retz! So you're really gonna do it huh?  " Said Charles.

" What? " Retz replied. Confused and looked at me.

Charles grabbed the gun from Retz.

Retz's facial expression changed.

I looked at Killua's way.

Retz turned to Killua too and gasped.

I looked at Charles and allowed myself to breath again.

" What's going on here Charles? "  Retz yelled.

I looked at both of them.

" You disobeyed me. " Charles coldly replied to Retz.

" what?! "

" Thank you. You can go now. Take your money and leave. " Charles looked at Killua. He straightened himself and removed the black cloth on him. He's not Killua.

He's wearing a bullet proof vest he has brown curly hair and blue eyes with a large scar on his nose. He's around his twenties..

He's not Killua?!

My heart slowed down and got fast again in anticipation of seeing Killua.

He's not dead.


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