1. red

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"So now that you're one of the most powerful people in the world, what do you want to do?" Asked Momo, my right-hand woman, as she glanced around at the building we had just raided.

Momo you're going to hate me.

"So there's this boy-"

Five Months Later.

"What are you thinking about boss?" Momo asked as she stopped the van in an empty parking lot.

We've been friends since I dropped out of college just call me Y/N THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD.

"It's nothing, someone I know lives in this neighborhood," I sighed opening the car door.

Bakugo Katsuki.

It's been a while.

Stop being angsty it looks aND sounds lame.

"Oh?" Momo asked, carefully tucking a handgun in her inner pocket.


"You shouldn't be using weapons," I sighed watching as she smoothed out her jacket.

It's violent.

"Y/N stop acting like a child. You run a global crime syndicate, not a daycare," Momo scolded dragging me forward by my wrist.

Yes and we're getting donuts not killing anyone :/

"I don't understand why you need a gun, it's not like there's going to be an assassin conveniently placed by this donut shop. I mean how many people get killed waiting in line for donuts-"

"Duck," Momo sighed pushing me behind a building her eyes scanning the surroundings.


"Seriously Momo! There's no one there! Absolutely no one is going to kill me while I'm getting donuts just stop worrying!' I sighed pushing her arm away.

Stop worrying about me I AM GROWN.

"Y/N!" A bullet shot past me lodging in a nearby telephone pole.


"MOMO I'M SO SORRY I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AGAIN I'LL ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOU!" I shouted rushing back behind the building.

Pls don't say I told u so.

"HA! I TOLD YOU SO!" She burst into a fit of laughter, pulling her gun out firing at the top of a building.

Oh no, don't kill him :(

"We need to stop being violent what if someone sees us :(" I pouted cowering behind Momo.

I don't want to go to jail :(((((((

"You're being ridiculous you're usually a lot more cautious what's happening?" Momo scolded dragging me to go get donuts.

I wonder how Bakugo is doing :(

"I told you earlier someone from my high school still lives in this area!" I pushed open the door to the donut shop.


"Wait, high school???" Momo asked hurrying to catch up with me. "You went to high school?"


"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I WAS VERY POPULAR! I EVEN HAD A-" I cut myself off pretending to be very interested in the glazed donuts.

They do look really good.

"No, finish that sentence, what did you have?" Momo pressed making me face her.

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