56. orchid

598 57 34

"I was really badass back then," I managed a weak chuckle.

It's true though.

"Good to know that you're back," Momo let out a sigh of relief. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried- we should move fast."

She's right- the people we sent in should have come out by now.

"Tsuyu call Hagakure and Jirou- if we need to call in help from elsewhere they have full permission to do so." I ordered glancing at whatever weapons we had in the back.

It shouldn't be a problem.

The panic I felt earlier was clearing up, fast, replaced with a disturbing sense of calm.

Momo's right I've done this before I can do it again.

Different scale, different stakes, different motivations.

I can still do it.

"We don't know how many people are inside- there's only a few of us here," Momo grumbled to herself, loading the weapons in the trunk.

The more we wait the worse it gets.

"There's a high chance they want to strike a deal- I can't see any reason why they would keep Katsuki alive if they just want to kill me."

Easier to kill him before hand-

Of course I have no way of confirming his safety right now.

If we go in guns blazing he could get caught in the crossfire.

"I'll do it- I'll go in ahead," Momo was now fully armed.

"No way," I paused, "who else is going to take over for me once I'm gone? If you die it'll fuck everything up- I'll go."

If I die- I was planning on quitting anyway.

"Bo- Y/N- let me go with you," she squeezed my hand, her tone unwavering.

"Momo- I'm telling you no. I'll go in alone, if I don't return by the time help arrives then you can go in. We'd be in for hell if all of our core members died walking right into an obvious trap."

Besides- when I do save Katsuki it'll look 1000x cooler if I did it all alone.

"You're not expendable Y/N." Momo's voice felt deadly calm.

"And neither are you- I'm going in."

You're waiting.

"Hagakure says she's calling in people now," Tsuyu got off the phone.

"Good- I'm going to go in, don't follow." I commanded my voice filling the small space.

Promise me that.

"I'm going in as soon as support shows up." Momo's frown deepened.

But she's come around.

"You'll be fine," I beamed, before pushing the car door open.

I have an idiot to save.

I have to be fine.

He will be fine.

The building- from the outside looked like a rundown bar.

The group we sent in earlier still hasn't returned- and it smells awful here.

I approached the side of the building stepping into an alleyway that ran adjacent to the side of the building.

It smells even worse here.

Like bad breath and bad attitude.

Like Katsuki basically.


n e way.

"I do apologize for my methods earlier," an unfamiliar male voice could be heard, glancing around my eyes met a small window, cracked ajar. "Although, I'm sure given your involvement with V.E.I.L you've seen much worse."

You would think that but my idiot is just a florist.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" A voice, Katsuki's voice, cut through the air.

He's still alive, he can still speak, he doesn't sound like he's in that much pain.

Carefully I scaled the side of a dumpster peering in through the small opening. Katsuki sat in the middle of a group of people, eight at the most. His body littered with bruises, his lips and nose a bloody mess.

He must have put up a fight-

"Don't play dumb we know how much she cares about you," a man I recognized as Shigaraki Tomura taunted, leaning back in his seat at the bar.

Obviously too much.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Katsuki groaned in response, biting against the pain.


"Don't play dumb, we know about your relationship with the Boss," another figure spoke up, stepping out of the shadows for the first time- his face heavily burned, staples drawing lines over his features.

That's needlessly edgy.

"You have the wrong guy- I'm just a florist, I don't even have a fucking boss," Katsuki rolled his eyes.

Is he joking?

No there's no way he would try something like that in this situation.

But- he couldn't have forgotten right?

I can't tell- he doesn't seem to have any head injuries currently-

I can't tell.

"You're being so rude to your girlfriend~ I wonder what she would think if she could hear this?" A girl's laughter filled the air.


"Are you stupid? I don't have a girlfriend," Katsuki lashed out at the group.

YOU DO ???

"Even if I had a girlfriend- she wouldn't be involved in this shit," he cursed, pulling against his restraints.


I thought he thought the gang stuff was a little hot :/


"You-" Shigaraki looked a little flustered, "the phone, grab the phone." A figure from behind the bar handed the device over to him.

It's definitely Katsuki's- no one else would have an All Might phone case that obnoxious.

"Don't bother pretending, her contact is in here- we sent the address she's coming."

"Y/N? My ex? Sorry but we broke it off forever ago- again, I'm not in a fucking relationship," Katsuki spat out.

He's forgotten?




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