59. lavender

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The moat of pressure and rage that I had been holding back inside me broke.

What do you mean I'm the one you want to be like?

What the fuck do you know about being me?

What are you trying to gain by masquerading as an asshole?

I lunged forward my fist cracking hard into the side of her face- Toga went reeling, spitting blood onto the dark wooden floors.

"You're bleeding- I love blood," she beamed, bouncing right back to her feet.

All of this- everything is so irritating.

That grating voice, the people watching from the side lines, Katsuki watching from somewhere behind me-

All of it was infuriating.

A sense of hopelessness?

The anger of being underestimated?

My own resentment towards everything that had brought me to this moment- every decision I had made that pushed me towards becoming who I was today.

I'm repulsed.

"The rest of you? Are you just that confident in this child or are you too scared of fighting me yourself?" I spat out reeling around to nail one of the bystanders in the face.

Even though I know that I can't realistically take all of them on at once-

It's infuriating that they would even begin to underestimate me.

Ridiculously so.

"Boss!" I could hear Momo calling from somewhere else inthe building, the sound of incoming footsteps following close behind.

Thank god.

"Just give up now," I frowned, kicking Toga back into the wall- her body slumping against it. "Give him back and leave- even you should know that what you're doing is foolish."

Katsuki is ok right? He didn't somehow get caught up in any of it?

"Boss-" Momo dashed into the room- skidding to a halt right behind me.


"Don't come any closer," Shigaraki motioned towards the person holding Katsuki who pulled out a gun holding it right to Katsuki's head.


"I told you already I'm not going to agree to your conditions," I frowned, "hand him over."

"It won't be hard just relinquish your position," someone else in the room chuckled darkly.

You have to be kidding.

"I would never give any of it to you- if you really wanted my position you should have approached me before kidnapping someone as leverage," I pushed forward, walking slowly towards Katsuki.

Your thought process is bizarre.

"He doesn't remember you anymore," Toga coughed out having come to consciousness once again.


"So what? That doesn't give you any justification to kill him," I forced my way past the members of the group who were standing in my way.

They haven't hurt him yet- maybe it's just an empty threat.

It's fine.

It's fine.

"I'm sure you realize just how much you're giving up by killing him," I calmed my breathing, taking a seat and kicking my feet up onto the bar.

Right they have nothing else against me.

"Forgot?" Momo echoed quietly- before attempting to follow after me.

"It wasn't an empty threat," the man holding the gun scoffed, his grip around the trigger tightening.


"You can stop- I'm fine." I waved off Momo, focusing back on what was in front of me.

Does he really not remember me?

"Are you ready to make a deal?" Shigaraki questioned.

Sure- a deal on my terms.

I focused on Katsuki-

He must be terrified.

Surprisingly- or almost chillingly he was dead silent.

Quietly resolved.

As if anticipating the worst outcome.


Our eyes locked, as I continued to stare at him- searching for any sort of sign that maybe it was all a lie.

He's smart.

For a brief second- I felt like-

No I know-

I saw a flash of recognition in his eyes.

Good- now I really can't let anything happen to you.

"Fine let's talk," I frowned. "Stop what you're doing and I'll let you live."

"You seem to be forgetting that we have your friend at gunpoint."

"Right- so shoot him."

You won't.


"You're forgetting all of the people right out that door who are waiting for my command."

The only thing you'll be gaining from killing him is a few bullet holes yourself.

"Look- you're not going to be my problem in a few more days so I'll tell you the truth," I hummed drumming my fingers on the counter. "I'm not going to continue this shitty job for that much longer- so go ahead and ask me for whatever you want while I'm still willing to listen."

Anything but what you were originally asking.

"Your position," Shigaraki remained adamant.

For what-

"I can't do that- I've already promised it to someone else, ask her for it." I nodded at Momo who was watching from the side- her brow furrowed.

Right, this is running on a little long.


"Yes Boss?"

"Would you like something to drink?" I glanced at the bartender.

"No thank you," she shook her head.

"In that case, do the rest of you have anything that you want?" I looked around the room.

Probably not.

"Shigaraki Tomura- this is a nice space, it's really a shame that we had to cross paths like this." I flashed him a smile before reeling back.


My fist made contact with the face of the man holding Katsuki.


Somewhere in the room a gun fired.


so real talk ! I'm sure all of you can tell but this story is ending soon ill try to make these last few chapters enjoyable for all of you. we're just about out of the tense stuff <3 love you guys



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