58. apple

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This was a stupid decision.

8 on one- even if I have a gun- so do they.


If I fire there's a good chance I'll hit Katsuki- or one of them will fire on him.

It would be a useless fight.

"What do you want from me?" I spat out staring Shigaraki down, "release him- he's not part of this."

If he's really forgotten then he doesn't deserve to be part of this.

"Why would I ever let go of such a powerful player," Shigaraki chuckled.

What a great way to describe someone you were trying to recruit.

"Powerful? What do you expect to get from someone from my past? He isn't valuable to you," I bit my lip and continued.

The more he means to me the more danger he's in- it's always been like that.

I fooled myself into a sense of security the more I reconnected with my past.

I forgot that there was a reason why I hadn't reached out.

"You expect me to believe that when you came rushing over to save him?"

"I wonder what you're so desperate to have that you dug up someone from my past to use against me."

It better be real great.

"What I want? What I want is you- your face," he hummed obsessively scratching at his face.


"Im flattered," I rolled my eyes.

He must be joking

"You're a very powerful person."

Not for long.

I'm only powerful because of the people behind me.

That should be clear to him- otherwise he wouldn't be approaching me like this.

"I was wondering what you were trying to gain masquerading as me," my frown continued to deepen.

It just draws a larger target to yourself.

You lack the resources to continue the charade-

It's not worth it unless its putting you in the position to gain something large.

"Don't tell me you just want to take control of V.E.IL?" I let out a short dry laugh, "it's more trouble than it's worth I assure you." I maintained eye contact with Shigaraki- my hand squeezing around the cold metal of the gun.

"You haven't been doing much- or anything at all with your position."

He's not wrong.

All this time I've been doing the bare minimum to maintain power.

I'm not interested in trying any harder than I am- this line of work is just a means to an end.

It always has been- I've achieved all my goals in this position.

Momo will do a great job in my place.

So even if I have to do something drastic now I won't regret it.

I don't have any regrets.

It's ok Katsuki doesn't remember anyway- calm down.

"Are you unhappy with how I've been running things?" I paused, "so unhappy that you went to dig up my past?"

I'll create an opening for Katsuki to get out.

Chances are even when help gets here he'll get hurt.

"Your position could be used so much better-" he hummed.

Right- you're insane.

"I'm sure that Momo will do a great job running the place in my stead," I exhaled a deep breath. "You? I would never let you touch any of my work."

The whole thing-

I built it.

No one that I don't put up there is going to take over-

It's my work.


"I see it couldn't be helped- Toga- do as you wish." On cue the blonde girl rushed forward- a knife slipping out of one of her sleeves.

It's bothering me.

"What is a child like you doing in a place like this," I hissed, jumping back firing a shot at her.

I have to be careful- Katsuki is in the room, I can't hit him.

But I have to get him out somehow.

No one else in the room is moving- what is this?

Some kind of sick game?

They really want to do this one on one?

"What's wrong with that? I just want to know more- be more like the people I love," she hummed- my shot missing her.

If only this room was bigger.

It's too risky for me to be firing aimlessly.

"That's sick-" I landed a kick to her gut sending her stumbling back a few feet.

In a disturbing way I get it-

It's easy to lose yourself chasing after a lifestyle.

Or struggling to maintain it.

"Why? You've done it too haven't you?"

"I didn't start doing this so I could imitate some asshole," I continued to press forward- wary of the group idly watching.

Even if I ended up becoming that asshole in the end.

"Don't tell me you have an issue with kidnapping now?" 'Toga' lunged forward- grazing my forearm with her knife.

"When you're kidnapping someone to manipulate me? Of course-"

Who wouldn't

Toga looked almost dejected- as if some dream she had been holding onto was shattering.

Don't tell me.

"Am I-" my voice faltered as I found my footing again. "Am I the one you're trying to be?"

I can't-

"I can't wait to surpass you-"

What have I been doing with my life?



veil (Bakugo x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora