45. cerulean

755 70 24

I burst through the door almost instantly crashing into Todoroki.


"Boss? Where are you going?" Todoroki asked, preventing me from running off.


"Do you know where Katsuki is? I need to talk to him?" I frowned, pushing Todoroki away.

Why do I feel so urgent?

Something in me is terrified that-

He'll be taken away.

"No but-"

"Ok thank you," I blurted out before taking off down the hallway. "Talk to Momo if you need anything!" I shouted over my shoulder as I raced towards the bedrooms.

Where is he?

I hate him so much.

Why does he decide to not hang around now of all times?

"Oh boss! I left weapon maintenance to you," Mina called out, stopping me midway down the hallway.

"Have you seen him?"

"Seen wh- no I haven't."


I turned on my heel running back down the stairs.

Mina just came from the bedrooms- where is he?

"UNO!" Tsuyu shrieked, slamming her hand on the table.

I don't see him.

"I give up!" Jirou groaned slumping down in her chair, "I wonder if Momo is free now."

"Jirou! I need your help!" Hagakure called from the kitchen.

Is he in there?

I made my way towards the kitchen looking around-

-he's not here.

"Are you looking for Bakugo?" Kendo asked, popping up behind me.

"Do you know where he is?" I frowned.


"No but- he asked me to get him potato chips," Kendo grumbled, chucking me a bag. "Give these to him when you find him."

I got food but I still haven't found the boy.

"Where's- where's Uraraka?" I asked, my eyes darting around the room.

She left with him so she might know-

"Uraraka?" Hagakure hummed to herself, "The last I saw her she was seeing Aoyama out."

So she probably doesn't know either-

"Ok, thank you," I muttered, before rushing out of the room.

This is the worst easter egg hunt ever.

Are you suggesting that Bakugo is an egg???

Have I ever suggested that he was even remotely human????

"Boss? You haven't found him yet?" Momo asked, coming down the stairs- Mina and Todoroki following close behind him.

"No-" my words caught in my throat, "you don't think that he-"

I'm scared.

"Don't worry- there are guards all around the perimeter there's no way anyone would be able to run off with him. Besides, someone would have come to the house and told you if he left by himself." Momo reassured me.

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