chapter six

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quick a/n: this is pretty short so i apologize. also next chapter will probably be smut lmao.

we got back to the room and we both were stuffed from all the food. it was kinda funny.

"come here baby," billie said grabbing my hand.

she led me into the bathroom.

"what are we doing here billie?" i asked with a smirk.

she leaned to the shower and turned on the water. in seconds it was warm.

she started to undress and i did as well.

"we don't have to do this if you don't want to love," she said kindly.

"i want to," i said.

we both got in and did the normal shower things. we weren't trying to be sexual, we just didn't want to have the sand from the beach on us anymore.

after about 10 minutes we both got out, dried off, and got dressed.

i went to sit on the bed just to chill unlike what finneas was thinking. i have the admit that dude is hilarious though.

billie put on some music and the song 'tattooed heart' came on by ariana grande.

a/n i recommend listening to this song it's so cute if you haven't heard it before!

she looked into my eyes while singing.

"i wanna say we're going steady like it's 1954," she sang.

i blushed uncontrollably. it's like i'm constantly blushing when i'm around here. i love it.

"as long as i'm the name on your tattooed heart," she continued with a smile.

she came over and grabbed my hands and pulled me up. we danced around the room, smiling uncontrollably. i was so happy.

when the song ended, she leaned in and kissed me. instead of pulling away we kept going. it was starting to get heated.

she then told me to sit on her lap just like every other time. she was just about to slip off my shirt when-

of course my phone started ringing.

"hello," i said picking it up.

billie was still kissing my neck and i was laughing because it tickled.

"billie stop," i whispered laughing.

"hey y/n," i heard maggie say.

"oh hey maggie," i said embarrassed.

"is everything okay?" she asked.

"yeah," i said putting it on speaker so billie could hear.

we were both trying to hold in our laughs because of the timing of when she called me.

"i just wanted to make sure everything was okay because i heard loud noises," she said.

"oh sorry we were dancing," i said laughing.

at this point billie was rolling on the floor dancing. i swear everyone was a cock blocker.

"well i'll let you two go now," she said. i could tell she was smiling just from her voice. she already felt like a second mom to me.

i heard finneas in the back saying "mom let them fuck already." i wanted to punch him.

"okay, bye maggie," i said before she hung up the phone.

"that was the funniest fucking thing ever," billie said before getting up off the floor.

"it was," i said.

"guess we'll wait for tomorrow to come," she said with fake hope in her voice.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now